
After Stuxnet, a rush to find bugs in industrial systems

After Stuxnet, a rush to find bugs in industrial systems – Feature – Kevin Finisterre isn’t the type of person you expect to see in a nuclear power plant. With a beach ball-sized Afro, aviator sunglasses and a self-described “swagger,” he looks more like Clarence Williams from the ’70s TV show “The Mod Squad” […]

Immigration debate moves to Supreme Court

IMMIGRATION: Debate moves to White House, Supreme Court | Local Politics | – The Press-Enterprise The Obama administration is now defending itself against criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike for policy decisions made in lieu of congressional action. Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take up a pair of cases involving deportations […]

Generals: Drug cartels are national security threat

Brenham Banner-Press > Archives > News > Generals: Drug cartels are national security threat Two decorated, retired U.S. Army Generals testified during a Homeland Security oversight hearing that the Mexican drug cartels are increasing their operational presence in the United States, are responsible for violent crimes on U.S. soil and pose a threat to national […]

The drugs and terror nexus

Drugs and Terror Mix in Case – The informant at the center of an alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador marks the latest example of how the U.S. government’s war on drugs has expanded into the war on terrorism.  Asa Hutchinson, former DEA head, said there was “a significant amount of […]

TSA elects not to go forward with December 31 U.S inbound air cargo screening deadline

Air cargo: TSA elects not to go forward with December 31 U.S inbound air cargo screening deadline – Article from Logistics Management The Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recently announced that it no longer plans to proceed with intended plans to accelerate the deadline for screening United States-bound air cargo to December […]

The Confluence of Drugs and Terror – 21st Century Organized Crime

The nexus between drugs and terrorism is growing at a rate far faster than most policy makers in Washington, D.C. choose to admit, and far fewer will even talk about. In many ways this is not an entirely new threat; the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has testified over the past thirty-five years on the important role drugs play in funding terrorist organizations and insurgencies around the world. Many in our government, at all levels, simply do not understand the looming threat posed by the confluence of drugs and terror; therefore, they continue to ignore it.

Operationalizing Resilience

The Homeland Security Policy Institute (HSPI) Preparedness, Response, and Resilience Task Force released its latest in a series of reports intended to inform policymakers on issues surrounding the achievement of national resilience. The report, entitled “Operationalizing Resilience,” recommends that policymakers use a systems-based approach to developing the integrated frameworks associated with the National Preparedness System called for in PPD-8. The Task Force also recommends that risk management practices be used as the underlying business case for preparedness efforts at all levels and across all sectors.

Mounting Questions on Iran Terror Plot

Mounting Questions on Iran Terror Plot – Council on Foreign Relations Kenneth Katzman, an Iran expert at the Congressional Research Service, says he and many of his peers believe that elements of the plan–such as the alleged intent to use a Mexican drug cartel to carry out the killing–simply don’t comport with what they know […]

Iranian Bomb Plot – What Did the President Know?

According to Reuters, President Obama was briefed on the Iranian bomb plot to kill the Saudi ambassador in June. The White House released its strategy to combat terrorism on June 28. While the White House knew the Iranians had active operations on-going in the United States, it intentionally side-stepped the issue of state-sponsored terrorism in its strategy. How can that make sense?

Social Media Accounts of Violence in Cairo Challenge Official Narrative

Social Media Accounts of Violence in Cairo Challenge Official Narrative – Although Egypt’s prime minister, Essam Sharaf, hinted darkly that the violence had been orchestrated as part of a foreign plot to inflame sectarian tensions, some witnesses to the mayhem claimed in accounts posted on social media Web sites that the military had used […]