
The fallout from the Boston bombings three weeks ago continues to impact national security. Congressional hearings on the bombings are coming up later this week, and DHS recently gave an order for border agents to verify that all international students arriving in the United States have a valid student visa. Indeed, the country has a renewed enthusiasm for homeland security, and while the Tsarnaev’s terrorist attack slipped up the security radar, if history is any teacher, it would seem the United States should be on high alert in April. Indeed, there appears to be a security phenomenon at work that defies efforts to protect the homeland. Here’s a piece I wrote for Defense Media Network about the terrorist incidents that tend to arise during April’s third week.

Following any violent event, the most intriguing and perhaps important point of study is why something occurred. In a search for meaning, analysts and investigators may find a method for preventing future tragedy, and in counterterrorism and homeland security, one factor is whether the date of an attack has relevance.

Bad things happen every day, and anniversaries of tragic events arise year round. Each month holds a list of significant dates relevant to various extremist ideologies and terrorist groups. Yet, April’s significant events are found largely in the third week, from the 14th through 20th. The disproportionate number of incidents in this time period is thought provoking. Consider some examples from April’s history of violence.

Read the full article.

Justin Hienz is Editor for Security Debrief. He blogs primarily on radicalization, aviation security, religious and Middle Eastern affairs, and communications. Read More