
TSA Checkpoint Wait Times Impact More than Aviation Security

The long lines at airport security checkpoints across the country are not just frustrating travelers but encouraging people to use statistically more dangerous modes of transportation, which has cascading social and economic costs. Improving wait times is not just about aviation security.

TSA Blame Game Runs Wild But Effective Solutions Are Scarce

The announcement that TSA replaced former Assistant Administrator for Security Operations Kelly Hoggan got a lot of national attention. It might lead one to conclude that the recent “blame and shame” efforts of some members of Congress threatening TSA Administrator Peter Neffenger’s tenure in office had worked. If anyone came to that conclusion, however, they would be wrong.

Is TSA the Only One to Blame for Security Wait Times?

By Mike Martin
Checkpoint wait times at U.S. airports continue to grow, but TSA may not be the only to blame. Since 2009, the volume of air travelers has increased faster than TSA’s funding, and unfunded congressional mandates are taxing TSA’s already insufficient budget.

Airport Checkpoint Wait Times Driving Complaints Against TSA

Recently, a number of news articles have reported that long lines at our nation’s airports are getting longer. Is this having an impact on complaints against TSA year-over-year? Yup.

Woes Continue at TSA – Who Can Save the Agency?

For years, news headlines have reported the Transportation Security Administration is missing the mark. It is the same story every time; the only thing that changes is the date of the article. With outrageous wait times at airport security checkpoints, as well as a host of other agency issues, TSA is making headlines yet again. So why is this time any different from the others?

Security Mom Explains Security in a Way We Can All Understand

Juliette Kayyem’s new book, Security Mom, may be the most honest book I’ve read on how homeland security affects families and the communities in which we live. More importantly, it helps us understand, and explain to our family members, neighbors, and friends what it really means to live in a dangerous, high-threat environment without sacrificing our values or cowering in fear.

Risk-Based Solutions for Reducing Airport Wait Times

By Chris Schmidt
People are flying in record numbers across the country, which is good news for the airline and tourism industry but not for travelers enduring long wait times at airport screening checkpoints. Something needs to change, and it starts with TSA embracing a true risk-based methodology.

Touring San Ysidro and Otay Mesa Ports of Entry

Folks at Customs and Border Protection (CBP) put together a tour of the San Ysidro and Otay Mesa ports of entry for a small number of bloggers and think tank representatives to take a look behind the scenes at the daily operations at these vital and busy locations. This is what we saw.

From the Front Lines – Port of Entry Wait Times at San Ysidro

At the San Ysidro Port of Entry, passenger vehicles are waiting 50 minutes in the Ready Lanes and 55 minutes in the Standard lanes. Having to wait nearly an hour in some cases and two hours in others provides a significant disincentive to cross from the Mexico into the United States, yielding cascading consequences for the U.S. economy and national security.

In Fight Against ISIS and AQ, What Does Success Look Like?

The George Washington University annual program, “Securing Our Future,” bought together national, homeland and cyber security experts to discuss U.S. security challenges and priorities. What emerged were three clear metrics for measuring success in the fight against ISIS and al Qaeda.