In Second Year of Trump Administration, the Perplexing State of Homeland Security
There is a long list of things in the homeland security arena that remain undone as the Trump Administration begins its second full year.
There is a long list of things in the homeland security arena that remain undone as the Trump Administration begins its second full year.
The erroneous ballistic missile alert sent by the Hawaii Operations Center revealed critical vulnerabilities that need to be addressed to enhance missile defense for the 50th state.
By Mark Weatherford
The “Hack-Back” bill (H.R. 4036) effectively permits cyber retaliation, but as the cybersecurity community knows hacking back is a colossally bad idea.
Kirstjen Nielsen is being nominated to be the next Homeland Security Secretary.
Recovery efforts continue after hurricanes battered parts of the United States, and some businesses are struggling to return to normal operations. The value of preparedness affects day-to-day business operations, and we need to advocate the notion of being prepared.
While the President’s Daily Briefing is comprehensive, there remain factors and circumstances a president and their national security team will not have full insight into. That might be about to change.
The “Acting” Homeland Security Secretary has already proven her merit and capacity to permanently lead DHS.
Texas and Louisiana are receiving $15 billion to help with recovery after Hurricane Harvey, and the aftermath of Hurricane Irma may require further federal money. Whenever amounts of money of this size are allocated or disbursed, accountability is fundamental. Here are five questions FEMA, state and local leaders, and others should be asking.
Congress has less than a month to tackle a long list of priorities before the end of the fiscal year. Not least among these to-dos is coming up with a Disaster Assistance bill to look after the millions of people affected by Hurricane Harvey. Here are points Congress must weigh as it debates recovery funding.
Harvey could be the most costly natural catastrophe in U.S. history. But by focusing on resilience and restoring business operations, it might not need to be.