
Earlier this week, First Lady Michelle Obama stopped by DHS Headquarters to say “Thank you” to the men and women of DHS for their recognized and often unrecognized work to secure America.

Following a brief and enthusiastic introduction by Sec. Napolitano, the First Lady, flanked by representatives from the Department’s various components, spoke to the daily accomplishments of the Department and what each of them uniquely do at DHS. In delivering her short but detailed remarks, the First Lady paid a personal tribute to the efforts of the US Secret Service for all of their efforts to keep her husband, her family as well as the Vice President and his family safe during the campaign and every day since.

Words of appreciation are always classy, and the First Lady’s efforts yesterday demonstrated that her class. They are words that the men and women of the Department unfortunately don’t often hear. Kudos to the Administration and the First Lady for saying them.