
Memo To ‘Color Alert’ Task Force: Put Your Citizen Hats On, Design With/For Public, Integrate Into Overall Citizen Preparedness Program, Consider All-Hazards Approach (Maybe Starting With H1N1), Replace Changing Colors With Consistent Communications, Advisory Should Be Two-Way, Let Public In ‘The Bubble’, Utilize Social Media

The Department is now accepting comments on the future of the HSAS, which can be sent via email to My suggestions are below. I have focused my analysis on the public aspect of the alert system not the other audiences that the HSAS was also designed for (ie. state and local governments, law enforcement, the private sector). My overall recommendation would be to suspend the current system and work on a more integrated approach that makes governmental alerts part of a stronger citizen preparedness effort, involves local and state initiatives, is two-way and provides more contextual information, covers all-hazards, includes robust ongoing communication between government and governed, and takes better advantage of new technologies.