I recently wrote a piece for the Washington Examiner’s monthly education section. Using the recent East Coast storms as an example, I highlight how education can make the nation more resilient for future disasters.
Educating our Guardians – Washington Examiner
As the recent storms that led to widespread power and communications outages demonstrate, disaster preparedness in the public and private sectors is lacking in the Washington area. The long-term solution to this problem is neither political nor technological. Rather it is education that will improve the nation’s resilience for
disasters in the future.
I teach a course in emergency management at the George Washington University, where I stress an “allhazards” approach to managing disasters. Simply put, all-hazards means that whether it is a man-made disaster, such as a terrorist attack or industrial accident, for example, or a natural disaster, the overall response effort is the same — cities, states, and the federal governments embrace common skills and doctrine.
Read the full article.