

Aviation and airport security

Dropping the Ball: Federalizing a National Moment

As the country’s various homeland and intelligence agencies begin to implement the post-Delta Flight 253 changes ordered by the President, it is becoming painfully obvious that we are falling into the same post-9/11 reaction – we are federalizing a national moment. If we are to be a resilient and resourceful nation, the private sector must play a key role in the strategic response and corrective actions following an event such as that on Flight 253.

Moore's Law and Whole Body Imaging: Moving Technology to the Next Level

The news cycles, talking heads and many elected officials seem to be in a bit of a tizzy over the images created Whole Body Imaging (WBI) systems. Solutions to enhance security through the use of WBI will become more effective when the data is synthesized to produce a depiction of the entire situation on a generic form, enabling real-time interpretation without the distraction of raw data. If we take a moment to consider the efficacy of WBI and the invested public and private funds, we are likely to witness a clear example of Moore’s law.

Napolitano was Right: The System Worked (Almost)

By Edward Alden
The failed Christmas bombing plot has been called, by everyone up to President Obama, a massive failure of the intelligence and targeting systems that are supposed to identify would-be terrorists before they come so close to succeeding. But the more we have learned about what the government knew before the attacks, the more it looks like this was instead a very near miss by agencies that were doing most of the right things.

Failed Bomber and the Use of Whole Body Imaging

Now that the Administration has fully engaged in evaluating the systems failures, which allowed Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian Islamic terrorist, to board a US airliner with a bomb concealed in his underwear, I feel compelled to contribute my insight. Based on 33 years flying large transport aircraft worldwide for both the US Air Force and a major US airline and concurrently being an aviation security and operations expert, I see the return of many old issues.

Web application gives air travelers chance to rate airport security procedures

Web application gives air travelers chance to rate airport security procedures – Nextgov A company that develops instant online surveys for retail businesses to collect real-time feedback from customers has developed a similar application that airline passengers can access to answer questions about their experiences with airport security procedures.

Security Debrief Experts in CQ Homeland Security

Congressional Quarterly surveyed homeland security experts, a number of whom are contributors to Security Debrief, on the state and future of homeland security. Some of their views on the Obama administration’s best move in homeland security in 2009 are provided here.

Janet and the Giant Political Guillotine: Systemic Successes Failed by Silly Statements

Following the predictable Washington post-disaster pattern of shock, outrage, finger-pointing and sacrificial head-rolling, we are accelerating quickly past finger-pointing and onto the guillotine less than two weeks after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab lit his pants on fire aboard Detroit-bound Northwest Flight 253. Most people assume that the airport screening layer in the system failed on Christmas Day, probably because that is the most visible part of our security system. But that assumption overlooks a layered system that now mitigates most threats.

TSA Doesn't Control Airport Security Cameras

TSA Doesn’t Control Airport Security Cameras – ABC News
The Transportation Security Administration is working to maintain the “sterility” of airport terminals after passengers clear screening checkpoints, but the agency currently lacks the ability to control or directly monitor security cameras owned by airlines and airports, ABC News has learned. The revelation comes as the TSA begins an investigation into a security breach Sunday night that brought the busiest terminal at Newark Liberty International Airport to a halt for more than seven hours.

Asa Hutchinson on Aviation Security After Failed Christmas Day Bombing

Security Debrief contributor Asa Hutchinson was quoted on an NBC story about aviation security in the aftermath of Umar Abdulmutallab’s failed attempt to detonate a bomb aboard the Detroit-bound Northwest Flight 253 on December 25. Here are some excerpts from the story recapped by First Coast News.

Information-Sharing, Accountability Issues Plague U.S. Intelligence

Information-Sharing, Accountability Issues Plague U.S. Intelligence | CQ Homeland Security
Despite laws enacted since Sept. 11, 2001, that sought to ensure swift and reliable information-sharing among intelligence agencies, the Christmas airliner attack has cast a glaring light on lapses in cooperation.