

Aviation and airport security

Study highlights air cargo security failings

Study highlights air cargo security failings – News – Logistics Manager There are considerable security shortcomings in air freight transport, despite newly drafted and tighter EU regulations which close the gaps in control, according to a new study of the International Transfer Centre for Logistics and the Technische Universität of Berlin. The study, which was […]

Airlines, travelers prepare for more stringent TSA security rules

Airlines, travelers prepare for more stringent ID rules | | The Detroit News The Transportation Security Administration wants to know more about who’s boarding commercial flights in the United States. Beginning Saturday, the federal agency will begin collecting additional data from airline passengers at booking time, including full name, date of birth and gender. […]

Rochester airport gives new scanning technology a 60-day trial run

Rochester airport gives scanning technology a 60-day trial run – The federal Transportation Security Administration has started using advanced imaging technology to scan passengers at the Greater Rochester International Airport. The new machine, a backscatter X-ray scanner, is expected to remain in Rochester for a 60-day test period, said John McCaffrey, federal security director […]


As Congress has been unusually busy on a range of fronts – health care, executive compensation, climate change, even “cash for clunkers” – one front that has been unusually quiet has been the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill.

Watch out for Those Disney Toys in TSA Security Lines

Yet another embarrassing situation for TSA occurred earlier this week when TSA screeners at Fort Lauderdale airport decided to confiscate a toy sword and bright red wooden gun from two young boys on the way back home from Disney World.

Groups try to revive Registered Traveler at airports

NBTA, Flo Attempt To Revive Reg. Traveler Since dominant Registered Traveler provider Verified Identity Pass in late June abruptly halted operations, some customers have sued the company for breach of contract, one of its competitors, Vigilant Solutions, also folded, and the remaining provider, Flo Corp., suspended operations at the only airport where it operated. However, […]

New Weapons Busting Scanner for Airports

DoD Buzz | New Weapons Busting Scanner | Air European aerospace giant EADS has begun production of a system intended to thwart terrorists carrying chemical or explosive weapons, a technology that also promises to be a boon to air travelers long grown frustrated with lines, delays, pat-downs and moving shoeless through airports. And then there […]

Homeland Security Reporters Discuss Changes in Both the Homeland Security and Journalism Environments

In a chance to turn the table on the media, a group from the private sector engaged in homeland security work were able to grill some top-notch beat reporters who cover homeland issues. One point of discussion that arose was that while DHS seems more low key and less visible than it was under the previous administration, many of the previous administration’s policies are being carried into the Obama era.

Technology is one solution to security vulnerabilites at federal buildings

Wednesday’s Senate hearing on security lapses at federal government buildings around the U.S. brings up the need for better technology at those security checkpoints, not unlike the upgrades underway at U.S. airports.

Registered Traveler Meltdown: Fraud Action Against Clear? Investigate the TSA?

Danny Sullivan: Registered Traveler Meltdown: Fraud Action Against Clear? Investigate the TSA? With an administration that’s trying to crack down on corporate abuses, such as misleading credit terms — shouldn’t someone consider punishing those at Clear for pushing a consumer product that seemed to have TSA backing when it had to be known the company […]