

Aviation and airport security

Registered Traveler customers file class-action lawsuit

Registered Traveler customers file class-action lawsuit — Federal Computer Week Two law firms have filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of customers of a private operator of Registered Traveler services that suddenly shut down on June 22. Registered Traveler offers enrolled travelers who provide biographic information and fingerprints, undergo a prescreening and pay a fee […]

Compartmentalizing Security: Checklists & Stovepipes

The 9/11 highjackers used deceit, anticipaticipation pilot reaction, and knowledge of a predictable checkpoint screening process to accomplish their mission. Box cutters – their only conventional ‘weapon’ – were an almost inconsequential part of their plot. This is the reason for Secure Flight and watch list checking.

Security PLUS Facilitation – A Success Story

Beginning on July 29, commercial airline traffic to the US from Shannon airport in Ireland will have the advantage of full preclearance. This is a win-win-win for everyone. Passengers get convenience – they can make their travel plans direct from Shannon (or Dublin when the preclearance facilities open there in 2010) without any need to change planes at a busy US airport.

Registered Traveler – An Idea Before Its Time?

TSA initially supported Registered Traveler during the Tom Ridge era at DHS, as a method to target security resources on less-known travelers and to enable low-risk frequent travelers a consistent and fast security review. However, TSA washed its hands of RT in 2008, arguing it could never ensure that an unknown “clean skin” terrorist could exploit any security protocol change, leaving Registered Traveler as only a fast-lane program.

Privacy coalition protests body scanners at airports

Privacy coalition protests body scanners as airports test them as primary screening – St. Petersburg Times An eclectic alliance of more than 40 organizations — from the Nation Rifle Association and Eagle Forum to the Transgender Law Center and the American Civil Liberties Union — wants regulations that guarantee privacy rights and assure that travelers […]

Train security gets boost from air marshals

Public Matters blog » Trains get security boost from air marshals An article from the Chicago Daily Times revealed that Metra officials have collaborated with the Transportation Security Administration to periodically station federal air marshals within its Metra commuter train system.

Kip Hawley Responds to Debate Over Whole-body imaging: airport security vs. privacy concerns – Whole-body imaging: airport security vs. privacy concerns Earlier this month the House passed H.R. 2200, hoping to improve the Transportation Security Administration. The result shows the hazards of rushing to fix one problem through an amendment and unknowingly creating a monster of another problem that could end up with the force of law. […]

Air cargo explosives screening program to be piloted at San Francisco International Airport

San Francisco City Tours: Air cargo explosives screening program to be piloted at San Francisco International Airport A pilot program to screen passenger aircraft cargo for explosives will be launched later this summer at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).Known as the Air Cargo Explosives Detection Pilot Program, […]

DHS Awards Millions for "In-Line" Baggage Screening

These in-line baggage systems will improve security and convenience for the traveling public. Once you check your bag, it travels by conveyor belt directly to your plane, with much less of a risk of getting lost. It also is x-rayed by CT technology, a technology originally developed by the medical field that was converted for airport use and mandated for all checked luggage by Congress after 9/11.

Ban on Whole Body Imaging Would Hurt TSA, Chief Says

Homeland Security Today – preparedness and security news – Ban on Whole Body Imaging Would Hurt TSA, Chief Says TSA surveys of the traveling public in areas where the technology is in use indicate a 95 percent satisfaction rate with it, the TSA chief said. “Based on the intel that I and the leadership team […]