

Aviation and airport security

TSA clarifies fingerprinting requirements

TSA clarifies fingerprinting requirements – Homeland Security News Wire TSA makes clear that only non-U.S. citizens will have to give fingerprints upon leaving the United States — and for now, only for a pilot project at Atlanta and Detroit airports This is all part of DHS’s US VISIT pilot program. Fingerprints (biometrics) are already collected […]

Arilines' PDA eboarding passes makes screening process a little easier

Airport Check-in: More e-board; carousel ads make the rounds – The use of electronic boarding passes, embraced only by a few tech-savvy travelers a year ago, is spreading rapidly. American Airlines (AMR) has expanded its e-boarding pass program to customers departing from Las Vegas McCarran, Atlanta Hartsfield and Minneapolis-St. Paul. Customers can download their […]

Secure Flight Q & A

The TSA Blog: Secure Flight Q & A TSA answers questions about implementation of Secure Fight.

TSA Reauthorization: Back to the Past

Yesterday the House passed HR 2200, the Transportation Security Administration Reauthorization Act. Several floor amendments were offered with one particularly troubling amendment noticeable above all the others. The amendment targets Whole Body Imagers (WBI) and sets restrictions on their use.

Are we more secure with Secure Flight?

Are we more secure with Secure Flight? – Secure Flight doesn’t make the bad guy list any better. It just makes everyone spend more money, and creates more inconvenience. Even if our no fly list contained every terrorist in the world, what about all the new recruits they are bringing on every day? No […]

Secure Flight Takes Off

By Stephanie Rowe
TSA’s Secure Flight program began operations in January and continues to gain momentum. It will provide better security for the traveling public and a smoother boarding process for passengers that have names similar to those on the government watch lists.

Confusion about airport screening technology and privacy

An organization called EPIC is gaining traction by purposefully misleading the public about millimeter wave technology and posting images of backscatter on their website and calling it millimeter wave. Now there may even be Congressional action to get millimeter wave removed from the nation’s airports, which seems just crazy given that it is one of the first major improvements to checkpoint technology since the 1970s.

House to consider ban on airport body scans

House to consider ban on airport body scans (6/1/09) — House lawmakers expect to take up legislation Wednesday that would prohibit government security officials from using controversial whole-body imaging machines to screen airplane passengers at primary airport checkpoints. The machines are being tested at 19 airports by the Transportation Security Administration, with six airports […]

The Practical Implications of the WHTI

covertress: The Practical Implications of the WHTI By Scott Stewart and Fred Burton, Stratfor On June 1, 2009, the land and sea portion of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) will go into effect. The WHTI is a program launched as a result of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 and intended […]

U.S. tries exit tracking system at two airports

U.S. tries exit tracking system at two airports (5/28/09) — The Homeland Security Department launched test programs at two airports Thursday in an attempt to verify when foreigners and legal permanent residents leave the country, but federal officials remain at odds with the airline industry over the effort. The objective is to develop a […]