


Making It Official: Hunting Al-Qaida Worldwide

Making It Official: Hunting Al-Qaida Worldwide – NPR
This week, the House begins debate on a defense spending bill that would authorize the president to attack al-Qaida and its associates all over the world.

Obama Puts the Onus on Hamas, Where It Belongs

President Obama’s Middle East speech, focused on America’s commitment to democracy in the Middle East and North Africa, included comments about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What was surprising was that the President publicly recognized that the primary stumbling block preventing forward movement on the peace process is not settlements, or even the status of Jerusalem or the right of return, but Hamas.

9/11's Triumvirate of Terrorist Travel: al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Iran

The 9/11 Commission requested the federal government continue an investigation into the extent of involvement of Iran and its de facto terrorist wing, Hezbollah, in the support of Al Qaeda’s attacks on 9/11. Perhaps the biggest hole of buried information regarded Iran’s connection to 9/11. As the “terrorist travel” affiant in a case filed last week in New York City federal court on behalf of 9/11 families suing primarily al Qaeda and Iran, I am now personally convinced that indeed, al Qaeda did not act alone on 9/11.

U.S. border agents to snag drug-smuggling jets with Canadian military radar

U.S. border agents to snag drug-smuggling jets with Canadian military radar – NextGov
The Homeland Security Department this fall plans to employ military-grade radar feeds from Canada to spot low-altitude aircraft smuggling drugs, but officials have not stationed any license-plate cameras to catch vehicles carrying the cash that funds such illicit flights.

Northern border "more significant threat" to U.S. security than the Mexican border

Northern border “more significant threat” to U.S. security than the Mexican border – Homeland Security Newswire
The U.S. border with Canada sees far fewer detentions and arrests every year, but is a “more significant threat” to American security than the Mexican border, a senior DHS official said Tuesday.

Groups worry DHS pushing EU to weaken privacy protections

Groups worry DHS pushing EU to weaken privacy protections – Hillicon Valley
Privacy advocates are concerned that the Obama administration might be prodding Europe to weaken its privacy policies in the name of preventing terrorism.

Homeland Security extends protected status for Haitians

Homeland Security extends protected status for Haitians – Miami Herald
In a move that affects thousands of lives across two nations, the Department of Homeland Security will extend and expand Temporary Protected Status for Haitians living in the United States.

White House unveils first international cyber security strategy

White House unveils first international cyber security strategy – Hillicon Valley
The Obama administration promised to use the nation’s diplomatic muscle to defend free speech and property rights online on Monday during the rollout of the first-ever White House international strategy for cyberspace.

Hearing Highlights Terror Infiltration at Border

Hearing Highlights Terror Infiltration at Border – The IPT Blog
A Texas public safety official emphasized the threat of terrorist-supporters entering the U.S. through Texas during a House hearing on border security last week.

Keeping Director Mueller on Board

It was a solid decision for President Obama to ask Congress to keep Robert Mueller at the head of the FBI and extend his term by another two years. His leadership, expertise and experience will be invaluable as the agency continues its fight against terrorism. As a former Agent who served in the CT program, I am always astounded when I hear or read press reports saying that the FBI is now an “intelligence-driven” organization. Folks, I am here to say that it was always an intelligence-driven organization.