


A summary of views on screening all international inbound air cargo

The congressional mandate to screen not only domestic U.S. air cargo but now also screen 100 percent of all international inbound cargo continues to confound cargo carriers, freight forwarders and shippers. A recent article in Air Cargo World summed up U.S. and international views of different parties in the aviation supply chain — the consensus, in a nutshell, being confusion. I had the opportunity to offer a few comments

Arizona Gov. Presses For Extension Of National Guard's Border Security Mission

Arizona Gov. Presses For Extension Of National Guard’s Border Security Mission – HSToday
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer wrote to President Barack Obama to appeal for an extension of the border security mission of the National Guard along the US southwest border, her office revealed Tuesday.

From the al-Qaeda Playbook – How Terrorists Avoid "See Something, Say Something" and How We Can Stop Them

America is getting smarter in its efforts to reduce the risk of a terror attack. Yet, these efforts, while noteworthy, do not eliminate the threats against our country. We are dealing with an intelligent adversary; al-Qaeda’s adaptive capacity continues to serve it well. Armed with knowledge of al-Qaeda’s operational approach, however, citizens can employ a common-sense approach to “See Something, Say Something” and add critical information to our counterterrorism efforts.

Detainees Transferred Or Freed Despite 'High Risk'

Detainees Transferred Or Freed Despite ‘High Risk’ – NPR
An NPR investigation of secret military documents from the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay details the system used to assess how dangerous the detainees would be if released.

“On the Road Again” with Secretary Napolitano, One Logical Trip Missing from Schedule

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has been making numerous public appearances throughout the country. I applaud Secretary Napolitano’s efforts communicating with the public, but what I do not understand is that among her many domestic travel destinations, Napolitano has never visited the one place Arizona where DHS has made a major investment – the area where the “SBInet” technology has been deployed and is currently being used with great success.

Justice Department Sends the Wrong Message in Holy Land Foundation Case

The decision of the Justice Department not to prosecute the Council on American Islamic Relations and other unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation case is discouraging and very troubling. 246 individuals and organizations were designated as unindicted co-conspirators in the Hamas terror finance case, the United States v. Holy Land Foundation. The failure to further prosecute this case clearly sends the wrong message.

Getting Cyber-Serious? – FBI Targets Botnet

The FBI has been trumpeting an apparently unprecedented action – obtaining a court order from U.S. District Judge Vanessa Byrant permitting taking over servers that had been communicating with a “botnet” called Coreflood, a malicious software that infects Microsoft windows-based computers. Coreflood is designed to steal usernames, passwords and financial information.

House Hearing Lays Down Record for Ending the Visa Lottery

On April 5, I testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement on a bill that would eliminate the Diversity Visa lottery (DV) program. The hearing was specifically on the SAFE for America Act, and is sponsored by Rep. Goodlatte (R-VA), who has been seeking to do away with the visa lottery for years. This was the first time Goodlatte has received a legislative hearing on this bill.

Smugglers use portable ramp to jump border fence

Smugglers use portable ramp to jump border fence – Homeland Security Newswire
Drug smugglers along the U.S.-Mexico border are relying on increasingly more innovative ways to bypass additional security measures deployed along the southern border.

US And EU Plan Joint Cybersecurity Exercise This Year

US And EU Plan Joint Cybersecurity Exercise This Year – HSToday
US Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano met with leaders of the European Union (EU) in Hungary last week to discuss ways of deepening cooperation between the US and EU on cybersecurity issues and strategy.