


Most-wanted terrorist lists missing most wanted

Most-wanted terrorist lists missing most wanted – Homeland Security Newswire
Appearing before Congress last week, National Counterterrorism Center Director, Michael Leiter, warned that Anwar Awlaki, the Yemeni lecturer credited with turning the Web into a tool for extremist indoctrination, is America’s new top terrorist threat. Despite being the first U.S. citizen ever placed on the CIA targeted killing list, the al Qaeda cleric has managed to elude the State Department’s Reward for Justice and FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists lists.

Cyberwar Issues Likely to Be Addressed Only After a Catastrophe

Cyberwar Issues Likely to Be Addressed Only After a Catastrophe – Wired Threat Level
When it comes to developing cyberwarfare policy, the United States will likely wait for a catastrophic event and then overreact, rather than plan ahead, said former intelligence chief Mike McConnell at the RSA Conference on Wednesday.

18 Days that Shook the World – Ramifications of the Egyptian Revolution

By Peter Probst
While former-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak recently resigned in the face of two-week long protests from the Egyptian people, the ramifications from this dramatic event are just beginning to be felt. Following are some predictions on what we may expect in the region.

U.S.-Mexican law enforcement coalition curbs border crime

U.S.-Mexican coalition curbs border crime – Laura Rozen – A coalition of U.S. and Mexican police agencies is being credited with playing an instrumental role in curtailing drug smuggling and illegal immigration along the Arizona border. The Alliance to Combat Transnational Threats, which combines U.S. Border Patrol, Mexican federal police and 60 American agencies, […]

Southers: America is not Israel, but…

America is not Israel, but… – Jerusalem Post
Here’s a piece from Erroll Southers about the similarities and differences between American and Israeli approaches to aviation security.

Counterterrorism chief underscores Yemeni cleric's power to radicalize Americans online

Counterterrorism chief underscores Yemeni cleric’s power to radicalize Americans online – NextGov
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the alleged mastermind behind a thwarted October plot to bomb U.S.-bound planes, represents the greatest threat to the U.S. homeland and its leader is the most influential proselytizer on the Internet, the national counterterrorism center director said on Wednesday.

Terror Threat Highest Since Sept. 11 Attacks, Napolitano Says

Terror Threat Highest Since Sept. 11 Attacks, Napolitano Says – Bloomberg
Radicalized U.S. residents willing to carry out attacks with “little or no warning” have helped create one of the biggest terrorist threats in years, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said today.

U.S. Lags Behind Allies on Combating Extremism, Report Says

U.S. Lags Behind Allies on Combating Extremism, Report Says – CQ Homeland Security
Although other countries involved in counterterrorism operations have set up programs that attempt to counter violent, extremist interpretations of Islam, the United States has been hesitant to wade into such ideological issues — to its detriment, according to a new paper from The George Washington University’s Homeland Security Policy Institute.

Sweeping overhaul of Canada-U.S. security

Sweeping overhaul of Canada-U.S. security – Homeland Security Newswire After months of secret negotiations, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Barack Obama will today (Friday) authorize the most sweeping overhaul of Canada-U.S. border and security cooperation in decades. The agreement will be signed at a White House meeting. It will open the way to a […]

U.S.-Mexico Border 'More Secure Than Ever' In 2010, Claims Secretary Of Homeland Security

U.S.-Mexico Border ‘More Secure Than Ever’ In 2010, Claims Secretary Of Homeland Security – LA Weekly Blog
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano made a highly publicized trip to Los Angeles’ nearest border yesterday. She was quick and happy to tell the nation’s news outlets from San Ysidro that illegal immigration has dropped 17 percent in the last year.