


This Year in Cyber – 2010

The end of the year is approaching, and it is time to look back and see what the major cyber events/issues have been in 2010. I tried to keep it manageable, but it was a busy year. So, here are my nominations for the most significant cyber issues.

MPAC Slams Plan to Investigate Homegrown Radicalization

MPAC Slams Plan to Investigate Homegrown Radicalization – The IPT blog
The incoming chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., plans to investigate the radicalization of American Muslims next year.

Hutchinson: Canada's food system at risk from terrorism

Hutchinson: Canada’s food system at risk from terrorism – Homeland Security Newswire
A U.S. security expert says the Canadian food industry is not sufficiently protected from tampering and potential terrorism.

US-Canada Perimeter Security in 2011

By Edward Alden
Nearly a decade after the United States and Canada set the early template for cross-border cooperation in the post-9/11 era with the 2001 Smart Border Accords, the two governments finally appear ready to take the next step towards a genuine system of “perimeter security.” While the initiative as outlined makes tremendous sense on both sides of the border, it will face significant opposition in Canada from those who fear that national sovereignty will be sacrificed on the altar of continental security, and in the United States from those who favor unilateral approaches to securing the borders.

Security Debrief’s Stewart Verdery moderated a panel at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars regarding trade and border security on the Canadian border. Specifically, the panel was titled “Mixed Signals at the Border: The Future of U.S.-Canada Preclearance Programs.”

Holder Says U.S. Probes WikiLeaks-Related Web Attacks

Holder Says U.S. Probes WikiLeaks-Related Web Attacks – Bloomberg
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department is examining cyber attacks that have been blamed on WikiLeaks supporters.

Border Agencies Having Trouble Keeping Up With Trafficking on Federal Lands

Border Agencies Having Trouble Keeping Up With Trafficking on Federal Lands – CQ Homeland Security
The rate of illegal entries into federal lands along the U.S.-Mexico border has outstripped the pace of Border Patrol apprehensions in those areas — and the threat shows no sign of abating, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office.

DHS Struggles with Global Aviation Security

DHS Struggles with Global Aviation Security – HSToday
As terrorists can attack the United States through the global network of international airports, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is working with foreign countries to increase their levels of aviation security, officials told a recent Senate hearing.

Gitmo Recidivism Rate Soars

Gitmo Recidivism Rate Soars – The Weekly Standard Blog
150 former Guantanamo detainees are either “confirmed or suspected of reengaging in terrorist or insurgent activities,” according to a new intelligence assessment released by the Director of National Intelligence’s office on Tuesday. In total, 598 detainees have been transferred out of U.S. custody at Guantanamo.

Osama Wants To Be Your Facebook Friend

Osama Wants To Be Your Facebook Friend – Wired Danger Room
You don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few terrorist connections. Al-Qaeda has discovered the joys of Facebook.