

Military and Homeland Defense

Will the Pentagon Finally Get Web 2.0?

Will the Pentagon Finally Get Web 2.0? – Wired
On Friday, the Pentagon announced a new social media policy that will the troops to use Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites, within limits. True to form, Pentagon social media czar Price Floyd announced the policy change in a Twitter update.

Key lawmakers tackle Islamic extremism in the military

Key lawmakers tackle Islamic extremism in the military – Government Executive
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee leaders on Wednesday asked Defense Secretary Robert Gates to revise department policies to address Islamic extremism.

The Military Looks for Help in Cyber Defense

When I look at the military’s efforts in the cyber security realm, I am concerned. The military still has the highest motivation, but in cyber security, it is not doing as well as some entities in the private sector. Please do not misunderstand me. The military and other U.S. defense agencies are doing well in many areas. But on the defensive side, I have much less confidence.

Terrorists Inside U.S. and Planning to Strike, Says DHS Secretary

Terrorists Inside U.S. and Planning to Strike, Says DHS Secretary – Security Management
Home-based terrorists are currently inside the United States and are looking to strike targets here and abroad, the Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said in a speech last night.

A New Way Forward: Right Makes Might

A New Way Forward: Right Makes Might – Homeland Security Watch
Last night President Obama outlined his administration’s strategy and plans for a troop build-up and eventual draw down of forces in Afghanistan during a 35-minute nationally-televised speech from the United States Military Academy at West Point. Two points stood out for me: One from the speech itself and one from the context.

Looking them in the Eye: The Obama Speech

With the long-belabored deliberations of his war-council concluded and the decision to deploy 30,000 troops to Afghanistan to get the job done now revealed, I think it is worth noting the importance of the “how” and “where” of last night’s speech. While there are many on the ‘right’ and ‘left’ who will find fault with whatever the President had to say, I give him an enormous amount of credit for taking his orders directly to many of the men and women who will be charged with implementing them.

Domestic Terror Threat on the Rise

Domestic Terror Threat on the Rise – Information Security Resources
Last Thursday, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee opened hearings on the Fort Hood tragedy. One of the topics on the agenda is the rising domestic terror threat. But this alarm was sounded months ago, in Apr 09, when DHS released their report entitled Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.

Anniversaries and Remembrances: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

With the news of former TSA Administrator David Stone’s untimely death, two events compressed in my mind: TSA relocating to the Department of Homeland Security with President Bush signing the Homeland Security Act of 2002; and the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. It is my hope that we remember the “right” lessons from these events; that we honor the public servants and private sector folks who work so diligently to make us safer and more secure, and that we are ever vigilant against those who would do us harm.

Suicide Rates Increase Across Military Branches in 2009

Suicide Rates Increase Across Military Branches in 2009 – CQ Homeland Security
More U.S. military personnel have taken their own lives so far in 2009 than have been killed in either the Afghanistan or Iraq wars this year, according to a Congressional Quarterly compilation of the latest statistics from the armed services.

Official seeks more realistic plan for fighter jet program

Official seeks more realistic plan for fighter jet program –
Pentagon acquisition chief Ashton Carter said Monday he is working intensively with industry and defense officials to set more realistic cost and schedule goals for the high-stakes F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.