

Military and Homeland Defense

Foreign Repair Stations: The Security Trojan Horse

Recently, the House Homeland Security Committee held a hearing on the issue of aircraft foreign repair station security. And while the Committee’s oversight on this issue is commendable, the hearing lacked one important item: an updated risk assessment. This omission, along with the testimony of three union representatives, suggests that security at foreign repair stations continues to be a Trojan horse for some.

Pentagon Budget Stressed by More Than Wars, Experts and Lawmakers Say

Pentagon Budget Stressed by More Than Wars, Experts and Lawmakers Say – CQ Today
Senior members of the House Armed Services Committee expressed grave concerns Wednesday at a hearing that examined the growing pressures on defense budgets. Despite the expansion of Pentagon spending since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the defense budget will have to rise even more to keep pace with increasing costs of military personnel and operations, said representatives of the Congressional Research Service (CRS), the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and think tanks.

Cyberwar helped turn tide in Iraq

National Journal Magazine – The Cyberwar Plan In May 2007, President Bush authorized the National Security Agency, based at Fort Meade, Md., to launch a sophisticated attack on an enemy thousands of miles away without firing a bullet or dropping a bomb. At the request of his national intelligence director, Bush ordered an NSA cyberattack […]

Top Republican says White House hiding info on Fort Hood

Top Republican says White House hiding info on Fort Hood – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room The ranking Republican on the House intelligence committee on Tuesday night accused the White House of withholding information on the Fort Hood attack. Rep. Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) said administration officials delayed briefing members of Congress about the alleged gunman, […]

Border Patrol Foundation Inaugural Event

The Border Patrol Foundation held its first annual recognition dinner in downtown D.C. to tout the creation of an organization whose mission is to “provide timely financial grants to the families of fallen” Border Patrol agents. Border Patrol agents often operate alone, in remote areas of our nation, many minutes and miles from backup or support. But given the impressive support shown by the Washington community at its inaugural event on Friday night, the Border Patrol Foundation appears to be off to a solid start.

Defining Terrorism

With the probable execution of John Allen Muhammad in Virginia this week and the tragic rampage at Fort Hood by U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, still fresh in the American public’s memory, the term “terrorism” is being used quite a bit by the news media. While there are those who would seek to link the two very different incidents to one another, is it proper to use the word “terrorism” to accurately describe what these men did?

Fort Hood Tragedy… American Muslim Soldiers Speak Out

Fort Hood Tragedy… Muslim Soldiers Speak Out – – News Several Muslims who have served or are currently serving in the military say the tragic deaths of 13 soldiers in Fort Hood, Texas, at the hands of Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan is an individual action that does not represent them, insisting that Muslims […]

Cybersecurity Official: Open source software is more secure, yes more, than commercial code

Defense: Open source software is more secure, yes more, than commercial code – Nextgov Open source software, freely available program code that the public can download and modify, which many agencies avoid because they view it as a security risk, is often more secure than the alternatives that are commercially developed, a top Defense Department […]

Need to know if a loved one at Ft Hood is safe?

The Red Cross has a “Safe & Well” site. If you are at Ft Hood, this site allows you to let folks know you are safe. If you have a loved one at Ft Hood, you can search the site.

FBI techs shy away from facial recognition – Spends 40 years losing face

A senior FBI technologist declared last month that after decades of evaluation, the agency sees no point in facial recognition. He said that 18,000 law enforcement agencies contribute fingerprints and DNA samples to the FBI’s databases and, at their peak, they submit 200,000+ identity verification queries a day. It’s a big operation, and it’s only going to grow, he said. What will be missing from this mix, however, is facial recognition.