

Military and Homeland Defense

Joint Special Ops University: U.S. Needs Hit Squads, ‘Manhunting Agency’

U.S. Needs Hit Squads, ‘Manhunting Agency’: Spec Ops Report | Danger Room | CIA director Leon Panetta got into hot water with Congress, after he revealed an agency program to hunt down and kill terrorists. A recent report from the U.S. military’s Joint Special Operations University argues that the CIA didn’t go far enough. […]

DEA Agents Killed in Afghanistan: Another Tragic Reminder

The recent death of three DEA Special Agents in Afghanistan is a tragic reminder that the war on narcotics and terrorism cannot be separated in that part of the world. I doubt many heroin dealers and addicts in the U.S. make the connection between the two.

The U.S. Army Addresses Its Cyber Role

The Army is working hard to finalize plans that will allow it to better support the nation’s efforts towards correct and effective cyber operation. There is a major effort this week to finalize the Army’s Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for the future of cyber forces, doctrine and organizational arrangements.

Coast Guard's Confusion on the Potomac had plenty of blame to go around

In truth the Fiasco on the Potomac was the sloppy result of various parties, all of whom deny having engaged in any sloppiness whatsoever except for the Coast Guard. So kudos to them.

Israel Eyes Attacking Iran Over Nuclear Program

NTI: Global Security Newswire – Israel Eyes Attacking Iran Over Nuclear Program Israeli leaders are having a “serious conversation” about carrying out a unilateral attack on Iran should that nation continue to develop a suspected nuclear-weapon capability, one U.S. journalist said Wednesday following an investigative reporting trip to the Middle East

Senate sends Homeland Security spending bill to Obama

The Senate gave overwhelming approval Tuesday to a final $42.8 billion fiscal 2010 Homeland Security spending bill after an extended protest by Republicans over the removal of provisions during closed-door conference talks among House and Senate appropriators.

Top US Scientist Spying for Israel

Top space scientist Stewart Nozette, who worked for the White House and NASA, has been charged with spying and trying to channel classified information about US nuclear weaponry and national defense to Israel.

New report says cyber war another, inevitable, field of warfare

New report says U.S. Air Force should prepare for cyberwar – Homeland Security News Wire New Rand Corp. report argues that the U.S. military branches must treat cyberwar as another emerging field of battle — one that both amplifies the threat of physical combat and presents new tactical challenges unfamiliar to everyone, not just the […]

Administration fights to protect secret DOD propaganda budget

Administration fights to protect secret DOD propaganda budget – David Rogers – combat commanders, beginning with Army Gen. David Petraeus, have stressed IO programs as a key factor in winning popular support in Iraq — and now hopefully in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The level of concern about losing the money is real enough that […]

DOD Chief Security Officer: Five key Challenges to DOD Cybersecurity

5 key challenges to DOD’s cybersecurity — Defense Systems Robert Lentz, DOD’s retiring chief security officer, identifies achievements and concerns in cybersecurity