

Congress and Politics

McDonnell frustrated feds haven’t given okay for troopers to train as immigration agents – Virginia Politics – The Washington Post

McDonnell frustrated feds haven’t given okay for troopers to train as immigration agents – Virginia Politics – The Washington Post Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) said Tuesday that he is frustrated that the federal government has not responded to his request from more than a year ago that state troopers act as immigration and customs agents. […]

House Passes Asia-Pacific Travel Card Act, Expedites Foreign Travel

For almost four years, disagreements among federal agencies have impeded U.S. participation in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Card (ABTC) program. The ABTC is meant to expedite the travel of business men and women in the Asia-Pacific region as international trade and travel has grown explosively. Today marks a huge milestone as the House of Representatives passed the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards Act of 2011. It allows U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to issue ABTCs to qualified business executives at no cost to the Treasury or taxpayers.

A Walking Economic Stimulus

Amid all of the partisan bickering over fiscal and tax policy in the Congress during 2011, it has been heartening to see a burst of bipartisan support for reforms to facilitate the travel of low-risk visitors to the United States. There have been at least three major pieces of authorizing legislation introduced in recent weeks as well as a push to reform the Departments of State and Homeland Security as part of the appropriations process. Encouraging and securing international travel does not lend itself to silver bullet solutions, but seeing the Congress increasingly recognize the economic value of travel is a positive development.

Legislation could expand Reserve role in homeland security

Legislation could expand Reserve role in homeland security | Army News at DefenseTalk Legislation being considered by both houses of Congress could provide the Army Reserve broader authority to call up troops for homeland security and also allow the force to deploy units for operations lasting 120 days or less.

DHS – Anonymous Interested in Hacking Nation’s Infrastructure

DHS – Anonymous Interested in Hacking Nation’s Infrastructure : Homeland Security News The hacker collective known as Anonymous has expressed interest in hacking industrial systems that control critical infrastructures, such as gas and oil pipelines, chemical plants and water and sewage treatment facilities, according to a Department of Homeland Security bulletin. But DHS doubts the […]

Herman Cain Proposes Electrified Border Fence As Immigration Reform, Says He Was Joking

Herman Cain Proposes Electrified Border Fence As Immigration Reform, Says He Was Joking GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain came down hard on immigration Saturday on the campaign trail, telling crowds in Tennessee that part of his policy would be to build an electrified fence on the Mexican border that could potentially kill anyone trying to […]

Immigration debate moves to Supreme Court

IMMIGRATION: Debate moves to White House, Supreme Court | Local Politics | – The Press-Enterprise The Obama administration is now defending itself against criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike for policy decisions made in lieu of congressional action. Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take up a pair of cases involving deportations […]

Rise and Fall of the PFO

The Principal Federal Official (PFO) was a post-9/11 initiative designed to put a senior official on top of the operational response to major disasters. Apparently, the idea of a PFO has fallen on hard times. If the word on the street is right, the current thinking in DHS is that if there is a really big oh-my-God event, the secretary will be the PFO and we’ll leave it at that. That is frankly a really bad idea. Who runs the department while the secretary is acting as PFO, and what happens if there is more than one OMG event at a time?

McCain lashes out at Holder over Fast and Furious memos – The Hill's Twitter Room

McCain lashes out at Holder over Fast and Furious memos – The Hill’s Twitter Room Top Republicans blasted Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday after reports surfaced that he might have known about the controversial “Fast and Furious” gun-tracking operation earlier than he previously claimed.

Anwar al Awlaki – The Killing of "An American Citizen"

Ron Paul is probably the most intellectually consistent politician I have ever witnessed, but his stand on the killing of AQAP Leader Anwar al-Awlaki last week is really ridiculous. Becoming a traitor to the United States carries the “punishment” of losing your rights as a citizen. Fighting for the other side in a war does as well. What else would this “cleric” have to do to warrant action against him? Paul said “We don’t know if he ever killed anyone.” Please Mr. Representative, ask the folks at Ft. Hood if al-Awlaki ever killed anyone. Yes he did.