

Congress and Politics

Guest Voices: In defense of Peter King's Muslim hearings

Guest Voices: In defense of Peter King’s Muslim hearings – On Faith at When I heard that Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) was going to hold hearings on the issue of radicalization inside our American Muslim community, I thought: It’s about time. As those hearings begin on Thursday, all of us need to grab a […]

Peter King's Muslim Radicalization Hearings: Plenty of Hysteria to Go Around

We’ve got anti-Muslim accusations. We’ve got anti-American accusations. We’ve got anti-Peter King accusations. We’ve got charges of bigotry, racism and religious intolerance. We’ve got a New York Times magazine writer asserting that “America is a tinderbox of prejudice and fear.” In short, we’ve got a lot of hysteria.

Guantanamo – Reality Bites for Pandering Promises

At the height of the 1988 Presidential campaign, George H. W. Bush stood at the podium of the Republican National Convention and uttered: “Read my lips, no new taxes!” Now, fast forward to 2000, where a young Senator from Illinois (Barack Obama) promised to close down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. After two years in office, reality sets in. Bush couldn’t hold back new taxes, and now Obama can’t close Guantanamo. Reality bites, and this is one of those times for Barack Obama.

Bills Seek To Protect Citizens Who Report Suspicious Activity

Bills Seek To Protect Citizens Who Report Suspicious Activity – HS Today
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has lauded the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign in every congressional appearance she has made recently. The campaign, adopted from an effort in New York City, encourages private citizens to report suspicious activity that could be connected to terrorist plots to local authorities. But such reporting could easily lead to accusations of inappropriate spying or infringement on the rights of others. It could even misidentify people engaged in innocent activities.

Senators Call On Administration to Stop Student Visa Fraud at 'Sham' Universities

Senators Call On Administration to Stop Student Visa Fraud at ‘Sham’ Universities – Fox News
Several top U.S. senators are calling on the Obama administration to crack down on so-called “sham universities” which serve as a front for getting foreign nationals into the United States on student visas.

Obama Guantanamo Retreat: Maybe Embarrassing But Politically Neutral

Obama Guantanamo Retreat: Maybe Embarrassing But Politically Neutral – NPR It’s All Politics
President Obama’s announcement Monday of a resumption of military trials at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, a failure of his campaign pledge to close the site, likely won’t hurt him politically.

Al Jazeera Tracks Mid-East Social Media Revolutions

Al Jazeera Tracks Mid-East Social Media Revolutions – OhMyGov News The rise of social media has provided would-be revolutionaries with the necessary tools to harness the desire for change into tangible action. And finally, it seems, someone is starting to keep tabs on just how much social media is playing a role in the shifting […]

King defends 'essential' Islam hearing

King defends ‘essential’ Islam hearing – Politico
Rep. Peter King hit back Tuesday at critics blasting his committee’s scheduled hearing on the “radicalization” of American Muslims. “These hearings are absolutely essential,” the New York Republican said Tuesday morning on MSNBC. “I am facing reality – my critics are not.”

Wooly Headed Wonks vs. Propeller Headed Geeks

Washington’s Cyber Security landscape has two tribes. One is the Wooly Headed Wonks. This tribe’s members are into policy, law and regulations. The other tribe is the Propeller Headed Geeks. This tribe’s members are scientists, computer engineers and software architects. The growing cyber threat that we all face is such that the two groups MUST learn to cooperate. If they do not, we are in big trouble.

"Somethings" may be clogging counterterrorism efforts

“Somethings” may be clogging counterterrorism efforts – Homeland Security Newswire
Initiatives by DHS to encourage sports fans, shoppers, and public transportation users to “Say Something” if they notice suspicious activity may be overwhelming the system and hindering our defenses, according to a policy analyst. The recent partnership between DHS and the NBA shows DHS does not plan on holding back its call for vigilance.