

Congress and Politics

New Cybersecurity Bill Not a Hit with Civil Liberties Groups

New Cybersecurity Bill Not a Hit with Civil Liberties Groups – HSToday
The Cybersecurity and Internet Freedom Act, introduced February 17 by Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman, Sen. Joe Lieberman, (I-Conn.) ranking member Sen. Susan Collins, (R-Maine), and Federal Financial Management Subcommittee Chairman Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), is meeting with a chilly reception by civil liberties groups.

Event: Tweeting to Revolution, hosted by the National Press Club

A panel discussion on how the digital revolution sparked the popular uprising that ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will be held Monday, Feb. 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the National Press Club Ballroom.

Feds Appeal Warrantless-Wiretapping Defeat

Feds Appeal Warrantless-Wiretapping Defeat – Threat Level
The Obama administration is appealing the first — and likely only — lawsuit resulting in a ruling against the National Security Agency’s secret warrantless-surveillance program adopted in the wake of the 2001 terror attacks.

Patriot Act Extension Lands on Obama's Desk

Patriot Act Extension Lands on Obama’s Desk – Wired Threat Level
The House forwarded legislation to the president Thursday to extend three controversial Patriot Act spy measures through May. They were set to expire at month’s end.

Budget Calls for More Airport Scanners

Budget Calls for More Airport Scanners – WSJ Washington Wire blog
Deficit hawks haven’t clipped the wings of the Department of Homeland Security. Its discretionary budget would increase 0.7% to $43.2 billion under the spending blueprint issued today by the Obama administration.

Cyberwar Issues Likely to Be Addressed Only After a Catastrophe

Cyberwar Issues Likely to Be Addressed Only After a Catastrophe – Wired Threat Level
When it comes to developing cyberwarfare policy, the United States will likely wait for a catastrophic event and then overreact, rather than plan ahead, said former intelligence chief Mike McConnell at the RSA Conference on Wednesday.

E-Verify Adoption Gaining Steam

E-Verify Adoption Gaining Steam – HSToday
The E-Verify program has gained steady adoption momentum among the nation’s employers, US Citizenship and Immigration Services Associate Director Theresa C. Bertucci told the House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement last Thursday in a hearing titled “E-Verify: Preserving Jobs for American Workers”.

After Arizona Shooting, Media Lays Blame but Not on the Shooter

The saga continues on the shootings in Arizona in January, where Representative Gabrielle Giffords and at least 17 others were shot. Sadly, no, the saga is not on the status of the victims nor the families that lost loved ones. Our “News magazines” have now joined the blame game. Not in blaming Jared Loughner – they want to blame everyone and everything else.

Flip-flops Against Chemical Security – Really GreenPeace?

GreenPeace wasted little time showing off its true colors last Friday when the group’s legislative director, Rick Hind, decided to protest during a House Homeland Security Subcommittee hearing on chemical security. Waving flip-flops over his head, Rick managed to interrupt the hearing and wag the proverbial middle finger to the water sector. The fact is, GreenPeace is less concerned about chemical security than they are about just banning chlorine.

Budget Request Promises New Life for 'Securing the Cities'

Budget Request Promises New Life for ‘Securing the Cities’ – CQ Homeland Security
A battle between the Department of Homeland Security and the New York-area congressional delegation over a radiation-detection program that has lasted for years appeared to end with the Obama administration’s fiscal 2012 request.