

Congress and Politics

Congress, Heal Thyself – 2011 Edition

As the stories of how Representative Darrel Issa (R-CA49), who is expected to be chair the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee next year, plans to implement the Blueprint for Oversight of the Executive Branch, I could not help but be reminded of the Thomas Fuller quote about charity beginning at home – or in this case, more precisely, in the House (of Representatives). I can think of no better starting place than the inefficient, duplicative and overly-complex manner in which Congress itself oversees the Department of Homeland Security.

Bin Laden's Victory – America's Debt?

In the days before the 2004 Presidential Election, Osama Bin Laden released a videotaped message that essentially told the world what he was up to. Within his remarks there was one sentence that has stayed with me: “We are continuing a policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy.” After taking a look at our country’s financial situation and continuing explosive debt, it might be easy to declare that Bin Laden and his cronies can celebrate in their caves in “where-ever-istan” they might be currently residing. At least that is the conclusion you might derive from the recently released report of the President’s Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

Latest Immigration Bill Aims for Senate Support as Lame Duck Dwindles

Latest Immigration Bill Aims for Senate Support as Lame Duck Dwindles – CQ Homeland Security
Majority Leader Harry Reid filed a new version of an immigration bill on Tuesday that would give hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants a path to conditional legal status, setting the stage for a showdown over a lame-duck priority for Democrats.

Cybersecurity Experts Say Hardware Concerns Go Beyond China

Cybersecurity Experts Say Hardware Concerns Go Beyond China – CQ Homeland Security Newswire
As lawmakers wait for the Obama administration to respond to their cybersecurity concerns about U.S. telecommunication deals with Chinese companies, experts suggest their focus may be too narrow, considering the scope of the security threat bleeds far beyond China’s borders.

Legislator proposes volunteer-based Arizona border force

Legislator proposes volunteer-based Arizona border force – Homeland Security Newswire
In another indication that illegal immigration remains a concern for Arizona lawmakers, a legislator said Monday he plans to revive once-vetoed legislation to create a new state volunteer force that could be used help patrol the U.S.-Mexico border.

Protest TSA with 4th Amendment underwear

Protest TSA with 4th Amendment underwear – Cnet
Last week, I had the privilege of telling you about new underwear featuring allegedly TSA scanner-proof radiation shields designed to cover your naughty bits. The privacy-protecting garb is one way to protest the airport body scanners that many people find to be invasive and in violation of Fourth Amendment rights.

Using Predator UAVs for Border Enforcement Purposes Continues to Raise Questions

Over the Thanksgiving week, I could not get a story from the Houston Chronicle’s Dane Schiller out of my head – “Will eye in the sky over Texas ever shift its gaze to Mexico?” The article’s prime focus is whether Predators can be used to peer across the border into Mexico. Schiller, who regularly covers drug cartel and immigration activity along the southwest border, does America a great service in publicly stating what has been one of the so-called “dirty secrets” about the use of Predator UAVs for border enforcement purposes. The Border Patrol agents who are in pursuit and most in need of information from expensive technology are not seeing anything produced by Predator cameras.

Republican wants WikiLeaks labeled as terrorist group

Republican wants WikiLeaks labeled as terrorist group – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should review whether WikiLeaks can be declared a terrorist organization, according to a senior Republican.

SNL's 1-800-TSA-Sexy Skit

Sorry, we couldn’t resist. If you haven’t already seen it, you’ve definitely heard about it … SNL’s skit on 1-880-TSA Sexy.

TSA: How Not to Use Youtube

TSA: How Not to Use Youtube The Transportation Safety Administration posted this video the other day, as a means to quell the unrest over its new backscatter machine and the updated pat-down procedures. It’s a direct message to the traveler from TSA Administrator John Pistole. Please, watch the video, if you can. Now, here are […]