

Congress and Politics

Renewed Calls for Cargo Screening Brings Familiar Obstacles

Renewed Calls for Cargo Screening Brings Familiar Obstacles – CQ Homeland Security
West Virginia Democrat John D. Rockefeller IV, chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, took a moment last year during a hearing on post-Sept. 11 security issues to summarize the problem with international cargo security.

Who Can Protect Us From Major Cyber Attacks?

Who Can Protect Us From Major Cyber Attacks? – Defense Tech
The Pentagon, along with other government entities, has long been wringing its hands on the issue of which government agency should work to protect critical U.S. cyber infrastructure from major cyber attacks. For now, the DoD has indicated that it will focus on protecting military networks.

Travel Industry, Pilots Meeting With Homeland Security Over TSA Checkpoint Furor

Travel Industry, Pilots Meeting With Homeland Security Over TSA Checkpoint Furor – Joe Sharkey at Large
The rising furor over aggressive airport-security patdowns and the use of and procedures for those new body-imaging machines has prompted an emergency meeting today between top Homeland Security officials and travel industry representatives.

DEA Nominee Michele Leonhart Finally Gets Hearing Before Sen. Judiciary

Tickle The Wire » DEA Nominee Michele Leonhart Finally Gets Hearing Before Sen. Judiciary The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing next week for Michele Leonhart, who was nominated to head the DEA on Feb. 2, according to the website Main Justice. Leonhart has been heading the agency on an interim basis […]

Shippers campaign against full screening of cargo on planes

Shippers campaign against full screening of cargo on planes – Homeland Security Newswire
Despite knowing for decades that terrorists could sneak bombs onto planes, the U.S. government failed to close obvious security gaps amid pressure from shipping companies fearful tighter controls would cost too much and delay deliveries.

Army's Fort Hood Report Draws Criticism

Army’s Fort Hood Report Draws Criticism – The IPT Blog
Leaders of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee are blasting an Army report into failures leading up to last year’s Fort Hood shooting massacre by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan.

Governors Group Publishes Guide to State Homeland Security

Governors Group Publishes Guide to State Homeland Security – HSToday
In the wake of last week’s elections, the National Governors Association (NGA) Monday released a handbook to guide newly elected state governors through setting up and managing state homeland security operations.

Agendas for Homeland Security panels take shape

Agendas for Homeland Security panels take shape – GovExec
The dust from last week’s elections has barely settled, but the landscape of hearings and priorities by the House and Senate homeland security committees is already becoming clear.

Radical Cleric Back on YouTube, Despite Video Purge

Radical Cleric Back on YouTube, Despite Video Purge – Wired Danger Room
That didn’t take long. Less than a week after YouTube removed videos featuring jihadi cleric Anwar al-Awlaki — and less than a day since Awlaki dropped a new vid calling for the killing of Americans – clips of Awlaki’s latest call to arms are available on, you guessed it, YouTube.

For King, 'Securing the Cities' Program Still a Priority

For King, ‘Securing the Cities’ Program Still a Priority – CQ Homeland Security
The debate between New York-area representatives and the Department of Homeland Security over funding for a radiation sensor deployment program known as “Securing the Cities” seems poised to continue in the 112th Congress, as one of the initiative’s most vocal backers announced Monday that it is still on his priority list.