

Congress and Politics

Rep. Franks: Administration Is Lying About the Arizona Immigration Law

Rep. Franks: Administration Is Lying About the Arizona Immigration Law – US News and World Report Now, the administration claims the law pre-empts federal responsibility, but the Constitution is clear. Article I, Section 8, gives Congress “the power to … establish a uniform rule of naturalization.” As the Supreme Court held in INS v. Chadha, […]

House Democrats Push for TSA Workers’ Rights

House Democrats Push for TSA Workers’ Rights – CQ Homeland Security
Nearly a third of the House’s Democratic membership asked newly confirmed Transportation Security Administration head John S. Pistole last week to “strongly consider” granting his agency’s security workers collective bargaining and other workplace rights.

Congress has already passed a law allowing state and local law enforcement to enforce immigration

What has been curiously missing from the Arizona immigration debate is that back in 1996 Congress passed a federal law giving state and local governments (and their law enforcement organizations) the right to enforce immigration law. On the one hand the federal government is suing Arizona for authorizing local law enforcement to coordinate with federal authorities regarding illegal immigration; on the other hand, the federal government is simultaneously requesting such assistance from local governments.

If the Cargo is not Screened, It Does Not Fly

By Adam Salerno
When Congress passed the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, the law mandated 100 Percent Screening of cargo onboard passenger aircraft “commensurate with checked baggage.” The deadline for that mandate is this weekend, August 1, 2010. The law seeks to ensure that all 20 million lbs. of cargo is screened in advance of flights for explosive detection prior to transport. While a changing world dictates new necessities to secure the supply chain, the need for expedited trade is an important priority that must be maintained. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce recognizes this fact, which is why we support a multi-layered risk based approach to security which maximizes effectiveness and minimizes impact on businesses.

Politics vs. Security – A Tale of Two Committees

Two Senate committees, three chemical security bills and one issue to rule them all – the role of so-called Inherently Safer Technologies (ISTs) in America’s approach to safeguarding communities from acts of terrorism. With DHS’ Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) set to expire in October, lawmakers in the Senate are taking steps to keep it alive. What form the program ultimately takes will depend on whether legislators choose to focus on politics or national security.

Bill Would Nix Deadline for Scanning Cargo at Foreign Ports

Bill Would Nix Deadline for Scanning Cargo at Foreign Ports – CQ Homeland Security
A new bipartisan bill would eliminate the congressional mandate for the Department of Homeland Security to scan all U.S.-bound cargo in foreign ports for radiation by 2012. The bill is one of two measures introduced this week that would reauthorize the 2006 law known as the SAFE Port Act (PL 109-347), which aims to improve maritime and cargo security through layered defenses.

Senate Panel to Discuss Afghanistan Amid Leak of War Documents

Senate Panel to Discuss Afghanistan Amid Leak of War Documents – Homeland Security CQ
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a hearing Tuesday to discuss options for bringing about political reconciliation in Afghanistan. The hearing is likely to be overshadowed, however, by a larger discussion on overall U.S. policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan following the release by WikiLeaks over the weekend of more than 92,000 pages of classified documents tracking the war in Afghanistan from January 2004 to December 2009.

Lip Service and the National Infrastructure Bank

In 2008, when the then Obama Campaign issued its proposed vision for homeland security, it impressed a lot of people when it described the creation of a national infrastructure bank. This federally chartered structure would fund critical projects around the country by making the necessary investments in roads, bridges, utilities and more. Despite having windows of opportunity with the 2009 Recovery Act, last year’s budget cycle and even this year’s Appropriations process, the Obama Administration has failed to provide any leadership initiative or requisite details on making the bank a real 21st century tool for renewing and investing in America’s infrastructure. Even with Members of both political parties open to the idea and wanting to see how it would operate, the details for this concept seemed to be as vacuous as the leadership to make it happen.

New TSA chief gets pressure on collective bargaining

New TSA chief gets pressure on collective bargaining – GovExec
Now that the Transportation Security Administration chief has had about a month to settle into his job, unions and some lawmakers are starting to make more noise on collective bargaining rights for airport screeners.

Deportation by Default: Mental Disability, Unfair Hearings, and Indefinite Detention in the US Immigration System

Deportation by Default: Mental Disability, Unfair Hearings, and Indefinite Detention in the US Immigration System – ImmigrationProf Blog
A new report by Human Rights Watch says that immigrants with mental disabilities are often unjustifiably detained for years on end, sometimes with no legal limits. The report documents case after case in which people with mental disabilities were prevented from making claims against deportation – including claims of US citizenship – because they were unable to represent themselves.