

Homeland Security Industry

The Yemen Air Cargo Attack Means Increased Security Measures Are Imminent

As the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its allies in the intelligence community assess the serious attack on international aviation that originated in Yemen, these key considerations should be foremost in their minds: defeating the terrorist threat relies on multi-national information sharing; increasing economic globalization requires a dynamic and secure air cargo supply chain; and attacking international commercial aviation remains a terrorist priority.

Attention Incoming Members of Congress: Raise Funding for Water Infrastructure

If you’re popping corks about America’s recommitment to Republican values, you can put away your champagne glasses. This week’s election results are less about Republican values, programs and policies than they are about a growing state of frustration on behalf of Americans who feel ignored by their elected representatives. So what do the people want? Safe, clean and reliable drinking water. Surprised? Well, don’t be.

A Post Election Wish – Hopes for the New Congress

In the days after any election, there is what you can call the CSI forensics analysis. Analysts of every stripe go around and pick up the pieces of what’s left of the election’s victorious and vanquished and tell you what it all means. I guess I could do that, but rather than beat a horse already turned to glue, I’d rather share with you my wish list for the new Congress.

Air Cargo: Caution – Reactionaries at Work

Reports are that the air cargo industry is nervous about regulatory or legislative responses to the recent terrorist attempt to send package bombs to the United States on cargo aircraft. It should be. Reactionaries in Washington don’t rest. Recent quotes from legislators suggest that the provisions of the Air Cargo Security Act of 2010, as with current mandates, should be enforced globally for cargo-only aircraft. Federalizing the security of the supply chain serves as blunt instrument, a reactionary’s tool of choice, to the problem.

Will the Elections Affect Cyber Efforts?

Here are the issues. None of the big legislative players lost on November 2. In that regard, all the legislative efforts should continue to move through the system. But will the new Congress be open to bipartisanship? Will these key areas of cooperation improve or fall by the wayside? On the executive side, theoretically, nothing has changed. That, however, is only a theory. Reality will steamroller that theory in a heartbeat. Cyber efforts could be deemed second-tier stuff and lose what momentum they have finally started to gain. I certainly hope not.

Air cargo group urges global cooperation

Air cargo group urges global cooperation – GovExec
Security regulators around the world must work together to ensure that the movement of air freight is safe and secure, especially after last week’s discovery of package bombs on cargo flights headed to Chicago from Yemen, an air cargo group says.

FEMA Administrator Statement on the Passing of Preparedness Advocate John Solomon

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate issued the following statement today on the passing of John Solomon, a leading advocate for strengthening community and personal preparedness for disasters. Solomon was also the founder of a leading emergency management blog, “In Case of Emergency” and a volunteer with his local Community Emergency Response Team in New York, which helps prepare communities for emergencies.

A Gentle and Life-Saving Legacy – John Solomon

Last night, before turning off the lights to go to sleep, I got news that no one likes to receive. My friend and fellow homeland security blogger John Solomon passed away following complications from a stem cell transplant for treatment of leukemia. While there is by no means a formal association of homeland security bloggers, John was what I would call our gentle conscience. Despite the operational missteps or ineptitude that you often find in disasters of all shapes and sizes, his many words were never harsh, lecturing or ranting. Instead, they were the measured conversation that you might have with a friend over a cup of coffee in a corner diner. To those of us who first got to know John through his writings, you came to realize that he didn’t just write words; he lived them in ways big and small.

Ridge: Attempted Attacks Part of Post-9/11 Reality

Ridge: Attempted Attacks Part of Post-9/11 Reality – CQ Homeland Security
Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Monday that intelligence was the key factor in Friday’s discovery of two improvised explosive devices in U.S.-bound cargo packages. But while he called the sharing and analysis of information critical to preventing future attacks, he said he worries that congressional regulation of the intelligence community has made its work overly procedural.

Ridge: Intelligence Still More Important Than Technology in Cargo Security

Ridge: Intelligence Still More Important Than Technology in Cargo Security – CQ Homeland Security Ridge noted that intelligence appeared to be the key factor in the recent case of the explosives found disguised as printer ink cartridges in a UPS plane in Britain and a FedEx plane in Dubai. “I think the facts are undeniable,” […]