

Homeland Security Industry

TSA To Inspect Jet Repair Shops Under New Proposal

TSA To Inspect Jet Repair Shops Under New Proposal – USA Today
Thousands of airplane maintenance shops in the U.S. and abroad would get increased scrutiny to make sure they are not easy prey for terrorists looking to sabotage U.S. jets during routine repairs, a government proposal says.

U.S. Policy toward Cuba, Key Considerations for National Security

On October 27, I participated in a panel on “U.S. Policy toward Cuba: Key Considerations for National Security” and tried to bring a pragmatic approach to the discussion on the current debate over the country’s status as a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

Lawmakers cry foul over Defense procurement debacle

Such is the Defense Department’s plight in the latest high-stakes contest to build aerial refueling tankers for the Air Force. The competition for the deal, worth $35 billion or more, hasn’t even officially begun, but lawmakers siding with the rival manufacturers bidding for the job are already calling foul.

Delta Settles with Imams Over Religious Profiling

Recently, Delta Airlines (formerly Northwest) settled a lawsuit filed by six imams who claimed they were profiled for their religion rather than suspicious behavior. They were subsequently removed from a flight and questioned by authorities. In July, a federal judge sent a strong message that the airline lacked probable cause to remove the imams from the flight by ruling that Delta could be held liable for civil damages. Delta settled with the Muslim clerics out of court.

U.S. Counternarcotics Strategy in Afghanistan

Michael Braun, former Chief of Operations for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, testified before the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control regarding the Taliban’s involvement in drug production and trafficking.

Anti-gunrunning lauded, questioned: IG questions use of funding

Just days after the Justice Department said its anti-gunrunning project on the U.S.-Mexico border had made “enormous inroads into stemming firearms-related violent crime” and touted a planned expansion of the program, the department’s Office of Inspector General on Monday said some funding for the $22 million project was not being properly used.

Terror Cases Share Desire to Kill Americans

Two domestic terror investigations each took significant steps forward Wednesday, with a Massachusetts man, already charged with lying to federal investigators, facing the added accusation that he conspired to provide material support to terrorists. About the same time the charge against Tarek Mehanna was announced, an Ohio man was sentenced to 20 years in prison for conspiring to kill people abroad – including American troops serving in Iraq.

FreightScan To Debut New Automated Dimensioning System

FreightScan, LLC, a leader in the development and deployment of innovative technology solutions for the freight and logistics industry, will debut its newly developed FS100P automated dimensioning system for cargo scanning at the Air Cargo Americas 2009 show.The FS100P, a part of the FS100 family of cargo scanning products, is intended for use by small cargo and package operations that need to capture dimensions and images of cargo in a smaller scan area in one second’s time.

Chertoff cites new statistics highlighting American concerns over cyber privacy and security

Former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff spoke at the National Press Club this morning, citing insightful new research: while Americans are highly concerned about the security of their personal data online, 87 percent of Americans do not realize their exposure to online identity threats. He echoed the cyber security theme that current Secretary Janet Napolitano focused on with her remarks yesterday. Because citizens don’t fully appreciate the vulnerabilities, people are failing to take the appropriate precautions to manage or reduce their risk.

Napolitano Marks Her Territory and Makes Her Plea

Using the medium she is out to the protect, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano took to the Internet today to deliver what can best be described as a “State of Cyber Space” address. Without the fanfare and annoying distractions that often accompany presidential remarks, the Secretary spoke frankly about the challenges and threats our nation, its infrastructure, and its citizens face by criminals, hackers, and others.