

PR, Social Media and Govt 2.0

TSA: How Not to Use Youtube

TSA: How Not to Use Youtube The Transportation Safety Administration posted this video the other day, as a means to quell the unrest over its new backscatter machine and the updated pat-down procedures. It’s a direct message to the traveler from TSA Administrator John Pistole. Please, watch the video, if you can. Now, here are […]

GOP Success May Hamper Action on Cybersecurity Bill, Experts Say

GOP Success May Hamper Action on Cybersecurity Bill, Experts Say – CQ Homeland Security
Republican success in the 2010 elections is likely to change the contours of cybersecurity legislation, according to a number of experts, but they also said that Congress again might end up not acting at all.

TSA Blogger Bob Watched Closely By Readers

TSA Blogger Bob Watched Closely By Readers – NextGov
The Transportation Security Administration came under fire from Internet users on Nov. 17 for being too slow to moderate and post readers’ comments onto its blog, a sign the site is being read closely.

DHS official: Stuxnet a "game changer"

DHS official: Stuxnet a “game changer” – Homeland Security Newswire
A highly complex computer attack that may have been targeting Iran’s nuclear power plants is posing a serious security threat to critical infrastructure worldwide, according to government and cyber-industry experts testifying Wednesday on Capitol Hill.

House bill would give DHS authority over private sector networks

House bill would give DHS authority over private sector networks – Hillicon Valley
A new bill unveiled Wednesday by House Homeland Security chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) would give the Department of Homeland Security the authority to enforce federal cybersecurity standards on private sector companies deemed critical to national security.

Who Can Protect Us From Major Cyber Attacks?

Who Can Protect Us From Major Cyber Attacks? – Defense Tech
The Pentagon, along with other government entities, has long been wringing its hands on the issue of which government agency should work to protect critical U.S. cyber infrastructure from major cyber attacks. For now, the DoD has indicated that it will focus on protecting military networks.

Models exist for tightening air cargo screening, specialists say

Models exist for tightening air cargo screening, specialists say – NextGov
U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Israeli government both have model procedures for securing freight with technology that the Homeland Security Department could emulate to tighten cargo screening aboard U.S.-bound flights, according to several transportation security experts.

Radical Cleric Back on YouTube, Despite Video Purge

Radical Cleric Back on YouTube, Despite Video Purge – Wired Danger Room
That didn’t take long. Less than a week after YouTube removed videos featuring jihadi cleric Anwar al-Awlaki — and less than a day since Awlaki dropped a new vid calling for the killing of Americans – clips of Awlaki’s latest call to arms are available on, you guessed it, YouTube.

Keystroke biometric solution will protect against hacking

Keystroke biometric solution will protect against hacking – Homeland Security Newswire
One of the serious threats to a user’s computer is a software program that might cause unwanted keystroke sequences to occur in order to hack someone’s identity.

Will the Elections Affect Cyber Efforts?

Here are the issues. None of the big legislative players lost on November 2. In that regard, all the legislative efforts should continue to move through the system. But will the new Congress be open to bipartisanship? Will these key areas of cooperation improve or fall by the wayside? On the executive side, theoretically, nothing has changed. That, however, is only a theory. Reality will steamroller that theory in a heartbeat. Cyber efforts could be deemed second-tier stuff and lose what momentum they have finally started to gain. I certainly hope not.