CBP Re-Examines Manpower Needs At US Ports Of Entry – HSToday
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has made recent advances in deploying new infrastructure and technology at US ports of entry, but it has struggled with the staffing levels at those ports, acknowledged the CBP deputy in charge of port operations Tuesday.
CBP’s attrition rate has fallen to only 3 percent, said Thomas Winkowski, assistant commissioner of the CBP Office of Field Operations, before a panel of the House Homeland Security Committee — a move he attributed to increased CBP benefits such as federal law enforcement retirement pay and faster advancement through the ranks.

CBP Re-Examines Manpower Needs At US Ports Of Entry – HSToday

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has made recent advances in deploying new infrastructure and technology at US ports of entry, but it has struggled with the staffing levels at those ports, acknowledged the CBP deputy in charge of port operations Tuesday.

CBP’s attrition rate has fallen to only 3 percent, said Thomas Winkowski, assistant commissioner of the CBP Office of Field Operations, before a panel of the House Homeland Security Committee — a move he attributed to increased CBP benefits such as federal law enforcement retirement pay and faster advancement through the ranks.