

Aviation and airport security

TSA's blog a model of good government communications

Those airport security guys have a good blog – St. Petersburg Times The Transportation Security Administration’s blog, Evolution of Security, is everything the TSA is not — lighthearted, informative, responsive and devoted to the needs and concerns of its customers. It may also be the best model for government to engage citizens over the Web. […]

Will 100 Percent Scanning Result in Rotting Crops?

Shippers of Perishable Goods Fear 100 Percent Scanning will Result in Rotting Crops | Safe Commerce Coalition Growers and shippers of highly perishable crops like cherries worry that a new requirement that all cargo on U.S. passenger flights undergo a security scan could create huge delays, leaving crops to rot in hangars as they await […]

The Thermidor Reaction Comes – TSA's Whole Body Scanning

Today, it is the privacy groups who are playing the role of conservatives, attempting to roll back the tide of technological and social change. They won’t like being called conservative, but that truly is what they are – reactionaries hoping to stop the tide of history, much like King Canute. Today, they are fighting the social change generated by September 11 and the technological changes produced by American companies.

Will Government Take Control of Air Cargo Security?

While the exact composition of potential new legislation is unknown, some stakeholders have begun making the argument that the only solution is for the government to federalize the cargo screening process, similar to the way in which the government manages baggage screening at airports. Federalizing the cargo screening process, however, would be a drastic and short-sighted solution that would further erode our proven risk-based inspection strategy.

TSA Has Completed Key Activities Associated with Implementing Secure Flight, but Additional Actions Are Needed

U.S. GAO – Aviation Security: TSA Has Completed Key Activities Associated with Implementing Secure Flight, but Additional Actions Are Needed to Mitigate Risks Summary To enhance aviation security, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Transportation Security Administration (TSA) developed a program–known as Secure Flight–to assume from air carriers the function of matching passenger information against […]

TSA Budget Boost May Benefit Makers of Screening Gear

TSA Budget Boost May Benefit Makers of Screening Gear – A handful of companies could be big winners under the Department of Homeland Security’s budget, thanks to a proposed spending boost for airport-baggage-screening gear in the Transportation Security Administration. The Obama administration is seeking a total of $45.8 billion in discretionary spending for DHS, […]

U.S. air traffic vulnerable to "serious harm" from cyber attacks

U.S. air traffic vulnerable to “serious harm” from cyber attacks – HS Daily Wire New FAA report: “{U}nless effective action is taken quickly, it is likely to be a matter of when, not if, ATC [air traffic control] systems encounter attacks that do serious harm to ATC operations”

TSA's Innovative ENGAGE program

Something happened recently that did not garner much media attention but is worth noting among the Homeland Security set. Each and every Transportation Security Officer TSA recently completed a two-day training course called ENGAGE, which is an experiential, hands-on training effort aimed at calming the checkpoint to improve security.

The TSA Nightmare: Airport Security

The TSA Nightmare: Airport Security – ABC News Welcome to the sometimes tedious, often frustrating world of the TSA. Is there an agency in the world with a dicier reputation than the Transportation Security Administration? Probably not as far as air travelers are concerned. Is this fair? Not exactly.

Military Plane Scare Over New York City Underscores Need To Use Communications Tools To Alert Public In Advance

Military Plane Scare Over New York City Underscores Need To Use Communications Tools To Alert Public In Advance At 10:39am today I received a text message and email from the City of New York’s NotifyNYC alert program saying that: “Planes observed flying over Lower Manhattan were part of an approved federal activity.” I happened to […]