


FDA to Monitor Radiation Levels of Japanese Seafood: Uh Oh!

By Doug Doan
The FDA has decided to start monitoring the radiation levels of Japanse Exports. No doubt the announcement was carefully constructed to make Americans feel better about the food they eat, while simultaneously reminding everyone that the FDA is on the job of food safety. It might just work too. Most Americans, have absolutely no idea how products are screening at our various Ports of Entry before they enter the United States. But for anyone that has been around a bit, the FDA announcement can only be viewed with intense skepticism.

CBP's Predator UAV Use Raises More Questions, Answers Elusive

Last week, as the world was focused on the crisis in Japan and the military action in Libya, the Associated Press reported on the use of Predator UAVs to help Mexican authorities in their war on drug cartels. Yet, at a conference at MIT’s Lincoln Labs on Homeland Security technology, I learned that the Predator was ineffective for wide-area surveillance during the Deep Water Horizon disaster. It was scrapped after less than two weeks. Congress should look closely at the cost/benefit of UAVs and how their use in Mexico deviates from the DHS mission.

Napolitano: U.S. Screening Cargo, Passengers Coming From Japan

Napolitano: U.S. Screening Cargo, Passengers Coming From Japan – Fox News blog
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says the U.S. is conducting radiation checks on passengers and cargo coming from Japan in the wake of the disaster that has left nuclear facilities damaged.

Terrorists' Use Of Internet, Problems Combating It Detailed In Congressional Report

Terrorists’ Use Of Internet, Problems Combating It Detailed In Congressional Report – HSToday
A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report released last week, Terrorist Use of the Internet: Information Operations in Cyberspace, “describes the ways that international terrorists and insurgents use the Internet strategically and tactically in pursuit of their political agendas.”

If Qadhafi Wins, Does Obama Lose?

With each passing day of fighting in Libya, it is sadly becoming obvious that the international hopes of seeing long-time dictator Col. Moammar Qadhafi deposed from his more than four-decade rule are fading. President Obama has, from his first day in office, made clear that he has zero interest in taking any type of unilateral approach in regard to use of U.S. military forces. If the Libyan rebellion is crushed and Qadhafi exacts revenge upon the population, what will that mean for presidential debates in the 2012 election?

China overwhelming U.S. with counterfeit goods

China overwhelming U.S. with counterfeit goods – Homeland Security Newswire
U.S. companies are losing hundreds of millions of dollars a year in sales from products that are counterfeited overseas and shipped to America; since most fake products are never seized by authorities, the federal government cannot get an accurate measurement of the economic loss; according to CBP, these fake goods “threaten America’s economic vitality and national security, and the American people’s health and safety.”

Going Where No One Wants To Go and Making All the Difference

Here’s a piece I wrote for the Defense Media Network about Virginia Task Force 1, the International Search and Rescue Team from the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department. With Japan in great need after the 8.9 magnitude earthquake, Virginia Task Force 1 is already deployed in the Ofanuto area of Japan.

New Magazine Aims to Push Jihadi Women

New Magazine Aims to Push Jihadi Women – IPT News
While this week marked the 100th anniversary of International Woman’s Day, which celebrates women’s rights around the world, a new pro-jihad publication is pushing for a different form of empowerment in the “path of victory for Allah’s religion and raising its banner.”

TSA Launches Air Cargo Security Initiatives

TSA Launches Air Cargo Security Initiatives – HSToday
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (APAQ) has declared war on US aviation, asserted John Sammon, the cargo security point man at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), in a House hearing Wednesday.

Guantanamo – Reality Bites for Pandering Promises

At the height of the 1988 Presidential campaign, George H. W. Bush stood at the podium of the Republican National Convention and uttered: “Read my lips, no new taxes!” Now, fast forward to 2000, where a young Senator from Illinois (Barack Obama) promised to close down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. After two years in office, reality sets in. Bush couldn’t hold back new taxes, and now Obama can’t close Guantanamo. Reality bites, and this is one of those times for Barack Obama.