

Smuggling and Trafficking

Human Trafficking: Coercion in a Time of Crisis

Human Trafficking: Coercion in a Time of Crisis Today, Secretary Clinton, along with Members of Congress, released the annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report. This report, which is mandated by our anti-trafficking law, analyzes the problem of modern slavery. Millions of people worldwide are held in compelled service through coercion, often in such areas as […]

A Drug War Inside the Government

Op-Ed Contributor – A Drug War Inside the Government – THE Obama administration is taking aggressive measures to ensure that the drug violence in Mexico does not spill over more than it already has into this country. But a dispute between two federal agencies, if not remedied, will seriously hamper these efforts — and […]

Tijuana's Drug War

Recently, I spoke with CBC’s “The National” regarding the escalating drug war along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Mexico’s Narco Al Capone Remains on the Lamb

Tickle The Wire » Mexico’s Narco Al Capone Remains on the Lamb Joaquin Guzman Loera has become a narco folk hero in Mexico. He has also helped contribute to the growing violence in Mexico. Will he ever get caught or remain a free man like Bin Laden?

US and Mexico agree to improve customs and border security

The Associated Press: US and Mexico agree to improve customs The U.S. and Mexico formalized an agreement Monday to work together to secure legal travel and trade across the countries’ shared border. The agreement is outlined in a letter of intent signed by U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Mexico’s Finance Minister Agustin Carstens. […]

The Criminal Alien Problem of Secure Communities

Border Lines: The Criminal Alien Problem of Secure Communities The Secure Communities program represents furthering linking of the criminal justice and immigration systems. This merger of criminal and immigration law has been in process since the mid-1990s but has speeded up in the past several years with the deepening focus on criminal aliens by DHS […]

Mexico's Narco-Insurgency and U.S. Counterdrug Policy and the Merida Initiative

200906065043 | Mexico’s Narco-Insurgency and U.S. Counterdrug Policy and the Merida Initiative | / | Border & Sovereignty The alarming rise in drug-related violence in Mexico is discussed and the prospects of U.S. counterdrug policies in that country is assessed. The author argues that current U.S. policies are ill-suited for confronting the Mexican drug trade, […]

Can We Return to Sanity? A Plea for Risk-Based Security

Ted Alden of the Council on Foreign Relations offers an excellent analysis of what’s wrong with our immigration process – or at least, one of the things that is wrong with our broken immigration process. In a nutshell, his is an argument – a desperate plea really – for a return to risk-based security procedures that use intelligence and information to prioritize threats rather than the hopelessly ineffective but increasingly popular notion on Capitol Hill that we can prevent 100 percent of all threats we may face.

Hutchinson to AP: Border security push requires nominees at key agencies

In an interview with the Associated Press, former DEA Chief and DHS Border Security Undersecretary Asa Hutchinson notes the oddity of the Administration announcing a new push to take on the drug cartels and the smuggling of narcotics and guns along the Southwest Border while there still hasn’t even been nominations for the heads of key border security agencies — DEA, ATF and CBP.

Drug cartels teaming with terrorist groups to exploit border vulnerabilities — intel report – Army Report: Drug Cartels, Terrorists Infiltrate U.S. A secret intelligence mission recently conducted along the southern border of the United States found that drug cartels are teaming with terrorists to exploit the numerous vulnerabilities along the sparsely defended 2,000-mile Mexican border.