

Smuggling and Trafficking

DEA, Congress Disagree Over Resources Needed at Southern Border

CQ Homeland Security The Drug Enforcement Agency says it doesn’t need additional manpower or resources to stem violence on the southwest border, despite interest in doing so from key lawmakers. “We have the authorities now, we just need to make sure that the DEA and other agencies use the tools that are available,” said Michele […]

Asa Hutchinson Argues Against Drug Legalization As a Way to End Border Violence

Security Debrief contributor, and former head of the DEA, Asa Hutchinson debated pro-legalization activists today on CNN as to whether legalizing drugs would reduce violence on the southern border.

Back to the Border

Yesterday, the administration announced a new “border czar” and a raft of new and ongoing border security initiatives to battle the smuggling cartels. It still not clear what the scope of the czar’s authority will be and how he will interface with all the folks working on the border.

Dude, Where’s My Czar?

News reports indicate that DHS Secretary Napolitano will announce Alan Bersin as a Counselor to the Secretary today with the informal title of “Border Czar” focusing on the Southwest border and the escalating violence in the region. So who’s now responsible for particular operations in the Southwest region at DHS HQ? And isn’t this similar to the original structure of DHS — the “Border Czar” then was Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security.

Air Cargo World Exclusive Webcast: Analysis of the New Government Mandate for 100% Screening of Air Cargo

How is the air cargo industry preparing itself to implement the U.S. Government’s mandate for screening 100 percent of all international inbound cargo aboard passenger aircraft by August 2010? That’s the number one question for the air freight industry as it faces the challenge of meeting the 2007 Homeland Security law. Listen to an expert panel of security and industry experts in this exclusive webcast discuss how the air cargo mandates will impact security and trade.

Legalize Marijuana for Tax Revenue? – BusinessWeek

Legalize Marijuana for Tax Revenue? – BusinessWeek Governments (such as those of the U.S. and Canada) should allow the sale of marijuana for recreational use in order to collect the tax. Pro or con? Stephen Easton, of the Fraser Institute, says yes. Bob Stutman, the Stutman Group, says no. Read their arguments.

Napolitano’s Border Gambit

Those working and living along the US-Mexican border are hopeful that the new attention of the Administration will finally solve the long simmering problems, improve security and eliminate any trade frictions. Secretary Napolitano is to be commended for making a new effort, outlining some innovative solutions, and going to Mexico to talk directly with her counterparts in the effort to coordinate a bilateral approach to this problem.

The role of drugs in financing war and terrorism

April 7: The role of drugs in financing war and terrorism Drugs are a resource for making war, says Paul Rexton Kan, an associate professor at the U.S. Army War College and the co-author of “Drugs and Contemporary Warfare.” The drug trade has become interwoven with the war trade in unexpected ways, he says. Kan […]

Southbound Screening: Guilt and Shame Are Not Elements of a Risk-Based Security Program

It wasn’t surprising to hear that in a recent discussion with Mexico our government accepted some responsibility for aiding Mexican drug cartels by way of demand for drugs and gun smuggling. Are we employing the correct risk management tools to efficiently and effectively use the resources we have? Are we using a risk management analysis that includes guilt and shame instead of objective factors?

The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S.

The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S. – Presidential Politics | Political News – While 90 percent of the guns traced to the U.S. actually originated in the United States, the percent traced to the U.S. is only about 17 percent of the total number […]