

Congress and Politics

Democrats Press For Biometric Screening Of Flight Crews

Democrats Press For Biometric Screening Of Flight Crews – HSToday
Democratic leaders of the House Homeland Security Committee pressed the administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Tuesday to ensure a biometric solution for airplane crewmember screening.

The Final FY 2011 Budget and Homeland Security Grant Funding

The Final FY 2011 Budget and Homeland Security Grant Funding – Homeland Protection Zone
It’s here. Well, the bill hasn’t passed and the President has not signed it into law, but the House and Senate have agreed upon the funding details for what remains of Federal FY 2011. In that agreement rests the funding numbers for the homeland security grant programs.

Federal court upholds ruling against Arizona immigration law

Federal court upholds ruling against Arizona immigration law – Homeland Security Newswire
Yesterday, a federal appeals court ruled against the controversial Arizona immigration law stating that it was a violation of the constitution.

US blocks 350 suspected terrorists from planes

US blocks 350 suspected terrorists from planes – MSNBC
The U.S. government has prevented more than 350 people suspected of ties to al-Qaida and other terrorist groups from boarding U.S.-bound commercial flights since the end of 2009, The Associated Press has learned.

Lawmaker: TSA should supply screening technology to foreign countries

Lawmaker: TSA should supply screening technology to foreign countries – NextGov
Transportation Security Administration experts have traveled the globe to train foreign aviation officials in countries that lack resources, but TSA is not allowed to offer surplus security technology to those nations, say some lawmakers who see the limitation as a threat to the U.S. supply chain and public safety.

House Panel Explores TSA Resources For Global Aviation Security

House Panel Explores TSA Resources For Global Aviation Security – HSToday
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires more people to conduct overseas inspections of airports in foreign countries to ensure they comply with acceptable global aviation security standards, the TSA official responsible for those inspections told a House panel Thursday.

Shutdown Would Delay Obama Cyber Reforms

Shutdown Would Delay Obama Cyber Reforms – Cybersecurity Report
Work on a White House legislative proposal for cybersecurity reform would be delayed by a government shutdown, Obama administration officials told senators.

Next Steps in Border Security – Exit System an Urgent Need

Since the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) challenging early days, when I served as Undersecretary for Border and Transportation Security, we have made progress towards better border security. While this progress should be noted, without a doubt, more needs to be accomplished. Here are three priorities on which we should focus our border control efforts, foremost among them, a visa exit system.

CBP Re-Examines Manpower Needs At US Ports Of Entry

CBP Re-Examines Manpower Needs At US Ports Of Entry – HSToday
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has made recent advances in deploying new infrastructure and technology at US ports of entry, but it has struggled with the staffing levels at those ports, acknowledged the CBP deputy in charge of port operations Tuesday.

Appeals Court Strengthens Warrantless Searches at Border

Appeals Court Strengthens Warrantless Searches at Border – Wired Threat Level
The authorities may seize laptops, cameras and other digital devices at the U.S. border without a warrant, and scour through them for days hundreds of miles away, a federal appeals court ruled.