

Congress and Politics

Rep. Giffords Shooting in Tucson: How the Media Failed America

The shooting of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and many others on Saturday during a special event in Tucson is a tragedy. Yet, this tragedy was made worse by the irresponsible, faulty and unprofessional manner in which the media reported breaking information to the world. As of Saturday at 2:28 PM, Rep. Giffords was dead. By 4:16, doctors were optimistic about her survival. The Washington Post, NPR and BBC are to blame.

Key lawmaker wants to limit full-body screening at airports

Key lawmaker wants to limit full-body screening at airports – NextGov
A key lawmaker wants to prohibit the Transportation Security Administration from using full-body scanners for primary screening at airports, a congressional staff member said Thursday.

Climate change: Next security threat

Climate change: Next security threat – Politico
Congress is known for producing lots of “hot air.” If some senators and representatives have their way during the new Congress, “hot air” could literally be the result of their work.

House Republicans Decline to Consolidate Homeland Security Oversight

Homeland Security Today: House Republicans Decline to Consolidate Homeland Security Oversight Republicans convened the House for the 112th Congress Wednesday, but they did not set any rules consolidating oversight of the Homeland Security Department (DHS) under its Homeland Security Committee–a move long sought by politicians on both sides of the aisle. The 34-page rules package […]

The TSA Blog: 70% Detection Failure Rate Being Reported is Inaccurate

The TSA Blog: 70% Detection Failure Rate Being Reported is Based on Testing from 2004-2005 In response to inaccurate news stories stating that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has a 70 percent failure rate for detecting guns and knives at airport checkpoints, the agency issued a blog post Saturday challenging the false media reports.   […]

Rep. King blasts critics, defends hearing on homegrown terror

Rep. King blasts critics, defends hearing on homegrown terror – The Hill
The incoming chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee lambasted The New York Times on Tuesday while defending his planned hearings on the radicalization of Muslims living in the U.S.

As 'See Something' Campaign Builds, So Has Backlash

As ‘See Something’ Campaign Builds, So Has Backlash – CQ Homeland Security Newswire
As the Department of Homeland Security spent the last weeks of 2010 trying to build momentum for its multi-stage rollout of the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign, it saw the emergence of unexpected opposition — criticism that the program promotes spying and incites fear.

A New Year's Wish for DHS

There is every reason to applaud the beginning of a new year. It brings a sense of hope and renewed energy for the future, and if ever there was a place for that, it’s the Department of Homeland Security. Yet, with many confirmed leaders in critical DHS positions, there should be no more excuses when it comes to actions and decision making. Leadership vacuums and transitions are certainly reason enough why some decisions can’t be made immediately, but those excuses are no longer plausible or believable.

Napolitano meets Karzai to discuss al-Qaeda fight, border

Napolitano meets Karzai to discuss al-Qaeda fight, border – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano met Saturday with Afghan President Hamid Karzai to discuss the fight against al-Qaeda terrorists in the region.

Congressional Report Examines DHS Role in Next Generation 911

Congressional Report Examines DHS Role in Next Generation 911 – HSToday
Regional working groups and grant programs supported by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) could play significant roles in building the Next Generation 911 (NG911) system, according to a new report by congressional researchers released publicly Monday.