

Homeland Security Industry

A suggestion for how DHS can allay fears about TSA pat-downs

We have all heard that the best leaders in the private sector, as well as those in government, are those who “lead by example.” That thought sticks in my mind as DHS and TSA attempt to defend the use of advanced imaging technologies or, in the alternative, more thorough physical inspections. One way Secretary Napolitano and TSA Administrator Pistole could help allay the public’s fear would be for each of them to go through the enhanced screening process and do it in front of the television cameras for the whole world to see.

Reader Survey: Do TSA Pat-Downs and Scanning Machines Cross the Line?

There has been an active and passionate public debate over the use of Advanced Imaging Machines (AIT) and TSA pat-down techniques at airport security checkpoints. Some think the whole body scanners and pat-downs are just what’s needed for aviation security; others think the pat-downs and imaging machines infringe on personal privacy and may not be safe (the machines, that is). But which side holds the majority? Are the machines and pat-downs keeping us safe or do they tread on personal liberty? Take this anonymous Security Debrief survey, and let us know where you stand.

Considering cargo in the larger terrorism scheme

Considering cargo in the larger terrorism scheme – Daily Breeze
Thwarted plots or successful rehearsals? Operator failure or lesson learned? The answers to these counterterrorism questions may depend on your relationship to the bomber.

Allen Outlines Disaster Response Lessons for Feds

Allen Outlines Disaster Response Lessons for Feds – CQ Homeland Security
After struggling with Hurricane Katrina and the BP Gulf Coast oil spill, the federal government has learned some choice lessons about disaster response that it is unlikely to ever forget, former Coast Guard commandant Adm. Thad Allen said Tuesday.

TSA: Looking for Bad Things, Not Bad People

In watching the news stories, one has to wonder if the TSA is doing Security Theater or do they really believe they are protecting our nation. The basic flaw I see with today’s screening system is that we are looking for bad things instead of bad people. Our focus is on many inanimate objects, which in and of themselves are not likely to pose a threat to airliners. The terrorists of 9/11 did not carry any banned items onto their flights. In fact, the only illegal thing they carried was the intent to do grave bodily harm.

Renewed Calls for Cargo Screening Brings Familiar Obstacles

Renewed Calls for Cargo Screening Brings Familiar Obstacles – CQ Homeland Security
West Virginia Democrat John D. Rockefeller IV, chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, took a moment last year during a hearing on post-Sept. 11 security issues to summarize the problem with international cargo security.

National Opt-Out Day Called Against Invasive Body Scanners

National Opt-Out Day Called Against Invasive Body Scanners – Wired Threat Level
Air travelers, mark your calendar. An activist opposed to the new invasive body scanners in use at airports around the country just designated Wednesday, Nov. 24 as a National Opt-Out Day.

Cameras to Catch Terrorists Triple in New York With Bomb Plots

Cameras to Catch Terrorists Triple in New York With Bomb Plots – Bloomberg News
New York City, after tripling since June the number of cameras to monitor signs of terrorism, is almost halfway to its goal of installing 3,000 of the devices as part of its security network.

TSA to hold union election

TSA to hold union election – GovExec
Transportation Security Administration employees soon will be able to vote for exclusive union representation. The Federal Labor Relations Authority on Friday accepted a petition from the American Federation of Government Employees and the National Treasury Employees Union to hold an election to determine which group will represent TSA workers.

Travel Industry, Pilots Meeting With Homeland Security Over TSA Checkpoint Furor

Travel Industry, Pilots Meeting With Homeland Security Over TSA Checkpoint Furor – Joe Sharkey at Large
The rising furor over aggressive airport-security patdowns and the use of and procedures for those new body-imaging machines has prompted an emergency meeting today between top Homeland Security officials and travel industry representatives.