

Smuggling and Trafficking

Obama Administration Announces Strategy to Reduce Drug Trafficking and Flow of Bulk Cash and Weapons Across Southwest Border

DHS: Obama Administration Announces National Strategy to Reduce Drug Trafficking and Flow of Bulk Cash and Weapons Across Southwest Border Today, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, U.S. Department of Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano, and Director of National Drug Control Policy Gil Kerlikowske released President Obama’s strategy to stem the flow of illegal drugs and their […]

The Dangerous Shift in American Drug Policy

For the first time DOJ has announced a policy of non enforcement when federal drug policy conflicts with state drug policy. The DEA continues to operate without even having a nominee named to lead the agency on a permanent basis, more than 100 days into the new Administration. And now, with the announcement of Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske as the new Drug Czar, the Administration is asserting that it will banish the use of the term “war on drugs.” I fully support greater resources for education and treatment, but those efforts cannot be successful without an equally vigorous law enforcement strategy.

"What Would Happen if Marijuana Were Decriminalized?"

Security Debrief Contributor and former Chief of Operations at the DEA, Michael Braun, recently took part in the New York Time’s online “Freakonomics Blog” where he was asked, “What Would Happen if Marijuana Were Decriminalized?”

White House Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs'

White House Czar Calls for End to ‘War on Drugs’ – The Obama administration’s new drug czar says he wants to banish the idea that the U.S. is fighting “a war on drugs,” a move that would underscore a shift favoring treatment over incarceration in trying to reduce illicit drug use. In his first […]

Asa Hutchinson on Cocaine Sentencing Disparity

Security Debrief contributor Asa Hutchinson generated a number of national headlines recently when he went before the U.S. Senate to testify in favor of ending the disparity between sentencing guidelines for crack and powder cocaine.

Mexican Drug Cartel Threatening to Take on U.S. Law Enforcement

Tickle The Wire » Mexican Drug Cartel Threatening to Take on U.S. Law Enforcement As if we needed more evidence of the threat the Mexican cartels pose to the United States, here’s the latest. Don’t be surprised to see more DEA agents in Mexico and possibly other U.S. personnel from other agencies– and even the […]

Bersin visits San Diego border in new role

REGION: Bersin visits San Diego border in new role : North County Times – Californian 05-04-2009 In his first official visit to San Diego as assistant secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, Alan Bersin said cooperation with Mexico is key in stemming the northward flow of illegal immigrants and drugs and the southward flow […]

Questions for Napolitano – #10

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano is tentatively scheduled to testify before the United States Senate Judiciary Committee on DHS immigration enforcement policies. Heritage has its own set of questions that should be asked of Napolitano about the Administration’s views on immigration enforcement. We will be adding new questions for Secretary Napolitano daily until the May 6, 2009 hearing—along with Heritage’s suggested response. Check out today’s question.

Hezbollah: Narco-Islamism

Hezbollah: Narco-Islamism (Washington Institute for Near East Policy) Despite the differences between U.S. and European perceptions of and policies toward Hezbollah, there is one critical area where all parties’ mutual interests converge, namely law enforcement. Regardless of divergent political considerations or definitions of terrorism, combating crime and enforcing sovereign laws are straightforward issues. More than […]

Administration needs to name DEA chief

Is anyone else wondering why – if the narco-violence on our southern border is so important (and indeed it is) – why the Administration has yet to announce a nominee to lead the DEA?