

Congress and Politics

Experts say US food supply still at risk from bioterrorism

Experts say US food supply still at risk from bioterrorism – Security Info Watch
Once upon a time, most of the food consumed by Americans was raised and processed within 50 miles of the U.S. dinner table. Today, it’s nearly impossible to know where our food comes from.

DHS Hampered by a Maze of Oversight

Today’s story by Herb Jackson is the latest in a series of stories about how the mis-mash of congressional oversight is hampering the ability of DHS to perform its mission. The words of former NJ Governor Tom Kean are particularly appropriate, and Congressional leadership should pay close attention. Check out the story for some excellent reading.

A summary of views on screening all international inbound air cargo

The congressional mandate to screen not only domestic U.S. air cargo but now also screen 100 percent of all international inbound cargo continues to confound cargo carriers, freight forwarders and shippers. A recent article in Air Cargo World summed up U.S. and international views of different parties in the aviation supply chain — the consensus, in a nutshell, being confusion. I had the opportunity to offer a few comments

Janet Napolitano clarifies immigration program

Janet Napolitano clarifies immigration program – San Francisco Chronicle
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Monday acknowledged a storm of criticism from lawmakers and immigration-rights supporters over a federal effort targeting criminal immigrants, saying there has been confusion over whether local communities can choose not to participate in the program known as Secure Communities.

Arizona Gov. Presses For Extension Of National Guard's Border Security Mission

Arizona Gov. Presses For Extension Of National Guard’s Border Security Mission – HSToday
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer wrote to President Barack Obama to appeal for an extension of the border security mission of the National Guard along the US southwest border, her office revealed Tuesday.

Detainees Transferred Or Freed Despite 'High Risk'

Detainees Transferred Or Freed Despite ‘High Risk’ – NPR
An NPR investigation of secret military documents from the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay details the system used to assess how dangerous the detainees would be if released.

Working Together to Create a 21st Century Immigration System

Working Together to Create a 21st Century Immigration System – White House Blog
President Obama remains deeply committed to reforming our immigration laws to meet our 21st Century economic and security needs. In his State of the Union address, the President asked Republicans and Democrats to work with him to take on this issue.

ICE Visa Security Program Hampered By Inconsistencies, GAO Says

ICE Visa Security Program Hampered By Inconsistencies, GAO Says – HSToday
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has not consistently implemented an initiative to scrutinize US visa applicants and still has not expanded the program to many high-risk countries, warned a recent report from congressional investigators.

Where are the Headlines? America’s Negative Credit Rating a Threat to the Homeland

As my fellow blogger Rich Cooper posted the other day, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) lowered America’s long-term credit rating to “negative.” I am shocked that is not the headline of every major newspaper – a downgraded dollar could devastate our homeland far worse than any tsunami. It could lose its place as the world’s common financial document.

Kool-Aid and Color-Coded Comments

Ranking Member of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), commented on the newly announced National Terrorism Alert System (NTAS) in a recent press release. When I read it, I had to shake my head in disgust at the inalienable ability of a number of Members of Congress to not recognize the evolution of an information system but deliver a purely partisan pot-shot at the other side.