

Congress and Politics

Jindal blasts Obama administration, calls TSA searches excessive

Jindal blasts Obama administration, calls TSA searches excessive – The Hill’s Briefing Room
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R) blasted the Obama administration’s handling suspected terrorist and called the Transportation Security Administration’s controversial search procedures excessive during NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday.

Reader Survey Results: Your Take on TSA Pat-downs

The results are in from our reader survey. Have a look at what other readers think about TSA pat-downs and Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT). Where do you come down on the issue?

Opponents Move Against DREAM Act

Opponents Move Against DREAM Act – HSToday
Democrats have announced their intent to bring the DREAM Act up for a vote in the lame-duck session of Congress while they still control both chambers, mobilizing Republican opponents who have labeled the bill as an unwarranted attempt at amnesty for illegal aliens.

DHS official: Stuxnet a "game changer"

DHS official: Stuxnet a “game changer” – Homeland Security Newswire
A highly complex computer attack that may have been targeting Iran’s nuclear power plants is posing a serious security threat to critical infrastructure worldwide, according to government and cyber-industry experts testifying Wednesday on Capitol Hill.

House bill would give DHS authority over private sector networks

House bill would give DHS authority over private sector networks – Hillicon Valley
A new bill unveiled Wednesday by House Homeland Security chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) would give the Department of Homeland Security the authority to enforce federal cybersecurity standards on private sector companies deemed critical to national security.

'Toughest sheriff' recruits big names for border 'posse'

‘Toughest sheriff’ recruits big names for border ‘posse’ – The Washington Times
“America’s toughest sheriff,” Phoenixs Joe Arpaio, is creating an armed “Immigration Posse” to combat illegal immigration, and Hollywood actors Steven Seagal and Lou Ferrigno, along with Dick Tracy and Wyatt Earp, have signed up.

National TSA Patdown Day? Don't Stop at Thanksgiving! Just Don't Stop

I was thinking about going out and looking for a hooker, but then I realized it was a bad idea. It’s exploitative. I don’t have the money. Should my wife find out, she would have rusted debris surgically inserted into uncomfortable places around my body. And, what’s more — why pay for a prostitute when the TSA will give you the same very personal attention for free?

Allen Outlines Disaster Response Lessons for Feds

Allen Outlines Disaster Response Lessons for Feds – CQ Homeland Security
After struggling with Hurricane Katrina and the BP Gulf Coast oil spill, the federal government has learned some choice lessons about disaster response that it is unlikely to ever forget, former Coast Guard commandant Adm. Thad Allen said Tuesday.

TSA: Looking for Bad Things, Not Bad People

In watching the news stories, one has to wonder if the TSA is doing Security Theater or do they really believe they are protecting our nation. The basic flaw I see with today’s screening system is that we are looking for bad things instead of bad people. Our focus is on many inanimate objects, which in and of themselves are not likely to pose a threat to airliners. The terrorists of 9/11 did not carry any banned items onto their flights. In fact, the only illegal thing they carried was the intent to do grave bodily harm.

TSA works on alternative airport screening process for pilots

TSA works on alternative airport screening process for pilots – NextGov
The Transportation Security Administration is working to create an alternative screening process for pilots, the agency’s chief said this morning, amid mounting protests by airline pilots over new airport scanners criticized as invasive and hazardous to health due to radiation exposure.