

Congress and Politics

Group Demands Immediate Halt of Full-Body Airport Scanners

Group Demands Immediate Halt of Full-Body Airport Scanners – Wired Threat Level
A leading privacy group is urging a federal appeals court to suspend the government’s program of introducing full-body imagining machines at airports across the country.

Air cargo group urges global cooperation

Air cargo group urges global cooperation – GovExec
Security regulators around the world must work together to ensure that the movement of air freight is safe and secure, especially after last week’s discovery of package bombs on cargo flights headed to Chicago from Yemen, an air cargo group says.

Ridge: Attempted Attacks Part of Post-9/11 Reality

Ridge: Attempted Attacks Part of Post-9/11 Reality – CQ Homeland Security
Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Monday that intelligence was the key factor in Friday’s discovery of two improvised explosive devices in U.S.-bound cargo packages. But while he called the sharing and analysis of information critical to preventing future attacks, he said he worries that congressional regulation of the intelligence community has made its work overly procedural.

Markey Looking for Bipartisan Support on Cargo Security Proposal

Markey Looking for Bipartisan Support on Cargo Security Proposal – CQ Homeland Security
Rep. Edward J. Markey, D-Mass., didn’t seek support from other lawmakers before announcing that he intends to file a bill to mandate explosives screening for all U.S.-bound packages – on cargo planes as well as passenger planes — but he’s hoping his colleagues will stand behind the proposal.

Obama Walks Fine Political Line on Terror Threat

Obama Walks Fine Political Line on Terror Threat – New York Times
Trying to manage a terrorism threat in the middle of an election campaign, the Obama administration is walking a political and national security tightrope.

The End of SBInet?

The End of SBInet? – CSIS
Rick Nelson, Director for the CSIS Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Program and a Senior Fellow with the International Security Program, shares some “critical questions” and answers on the future of SBInet.

Intelligence and Muscle in Texas Border Security

Intelligence and Muscle in Texas Border Security – Border Lines
Tough talk about crime, drugs, immigrants, and the border comes naturally in Texas — and often in football analogies. Operation Linebacker, the 2005 initiative of Texas border sheriffs and sponsored by Governor Rick Perry, set the muscular, take down all line-breakers Texas commitment to border security.

Cybersecurity bill not likely to pass this year

Cybersecurity bill not likely to pass this year – Homeland Security Newswire
Much of the critical infrastructures of developed nations like the United States depend on computer and network systems to operate and communicate. Hackers from rogue – and not so rogue – nations and those who hack for fun can get into some of these critical systems potentially causing a security threat to the country.

NPR Should Not Have Fired Juan Williams Over Muslim Comment

If journalists are going to maintain intellectual integrity, then they must objectively acknowledge–whether they like it or not–that there are indeed Americans still traumatized by the murder of some 3,000 Americans by Islamic extremists who crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Looking for Changes in the 100% Cargo Scanning Mandate to CBP

Looking for Changes in the 100% Cargo Scanning Mandate to CBP – HSToday
Joseph Alioto is worried that US mandates to scan cargo containers actually may be hurting rather than helping supply chain security.