

Homeland Security Industry

Emergency Response, Warfare and the Coming Revolution in Decisionmaking

Emergency Response, Warfare and the Coming Revolution in Decisionmaking – Crisis Comm
There are many ways emergency response management is like warfare: winning is about having the necessary resources and deploying them most effectively. Clear chain of command and unity of command are essential.

Cybersecurity Experts Say Hardware Concerns Go Beyond China

Cybersecurity Experts Say Hardware Concerns Go Beyond China – CQ Homeland Security Newswire
As lawmakers wait for the Obama administration to respond to their cybersecurity concerns about U.S. telecommunication deals with Chinese companies, experts suggest their focus may be too narrow, considering the scope of the security threat bleeds far beyond China’s borders.

Legislator proposes volunteer-based Arizona border force

Legislator proposes volunteer-based Arizona border force – Homeland Security Newswire
In another indication that illegal immigration remains a concern for Arizona lawmakers, a legislator said Monday he plans to revive once-vetoed legislation to create a new state volunteer force that could be used help patrol the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Rita Renaissance

Here is a piece I wrote for the 2010-11 Year in Homeland Security about life in Southwest Louisiana five years after Hurricane Rita. Rita struck southwest Louisiana on Sept. 23, 2005, bringing unprecedented 50-foot storm surges inland into homes and communities that had been in place for nearly two centuries. As home to the strategic national stockpile and over 25 percent of the natural gas that fuels more than half the homes and industries of the United States, southwest Louisiana has more often than not been overlooked and underappreciated for the value it brings to America. The same holds true in recognizing its place in the most disastrous hurricane season in U.S. history.

GOP Success May Hamper Action on Cybersecurity Bill, Experts Say

GOP Success May Hamper Action on Cybersecurity Bill, Experts Say – CQ Homeland Security
Republican success in the 2010 elections is likely to change the contours of cybersecurity legislation, according to a number of experts, but they also said that Congress again might end up not acting at all.

Reader Survey Results: Your Take on TSA Pat-downs

The results are in from our reader survey. Have a look at what other readers think about TSA pat-downs and Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT). Where do you come down on the issue?

Opponents Move Against DREAM Act

Opponents Move Against DREAM Act – HSToday
Democrats have announced their intent to bring the DREAM Act up for a vote in the lame-duck session of Congress while they still control both chambers, mobilizing Republican opponents who have labeled the bill as an unwarranted attempt at amnesty for illegal aliens.

House bill would give DHS authority over private sector networks

House bill would give DHS authority over private sector networks – Hillicon Valley
A new bill unveiled Wednesday by House Homeland Security chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) would give the Department of Homeland Security the authority to enforce federal cybersecurity standards on private sector companies deemed critical to national security.

Hotel association teams with DHS to improve security awareness

Hotel association teams with DHS to improve security awareness – Public Matters
Whenever I travel, I always take note of the different security measures in place at hotels. Call me paranoid, but I am constantly checking to make sure there are video cameras in hallways and good locks on my doors.

Thad Allen – My Interview and Nomination

Several weeks back, I had the good fortune to interview retired U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen for Faircount Media Group. In our discussion, he reflected on the lessons learned from this year’s Gulf oil spill, as well as his experiences with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and what can only be called an eventful career in public service. The interview is offered below, but in sharing it, I can’t help but feel as we approach the end of the calendar year and hand out honors that there is one more that should be handed out.