

Congress and Politics

April Fools 2021 – The Low-Fi Edition

Security Debrief is back with an April 1 review of stories the rest of the media somehow missed.

BREAKING: DHS Press Sec. is QAnon?! Bennie Thompson Seizes Control?! Really?!

DHS Press Secretary Revealed as QAnon Source?! Bennie Thompson seizes control of House Homeland Committee?! Trump wrestles?! Really?!!!

Considering the Wrong Metrics for Border Wall Funding

Using total drug seizures as a guide for expanding U.S. border security infrastructure is not as logical as it seems.

The Irony of Trump’s Side in the Shutdown – It’s Harming Homeland Security

The President is refusing to agree to funding legislation without Wall money on the pretext of national security. Apparently he misses the importance of risk-based decision making.

Coast Guard Polar Mission or Border Wall?

The U.S. Coast Guard is down to just two icebreakers, and climate change means they’re going to need many more.

The Start of a Movement in School Violence Prevention

School safety is homeland security.

On Child Separation Policy, Enough Doublespeak, Madam Secretary

Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen cannot with integrity simultaneously lead a department to protect the nation while also burying child suffering in semantics and blame-shifting.

Two Minutes to Doomsday – Time for Nunn-Lugar 2.0

By Tim Stephens, Kimothy Smith and David Olive
Talks of denuclearizing North Korea may create the momentum for a new method of addressing the frightening growth of chemical and biological weapons around the world.

Who Should Be the Next Deputies at DHS and TSA?

With the departures of DHS Deputy Secretary Elaine Duke and TSA Deputy Administrator Huban Gowadia, nominees are needed quickly who can bring the right skillsets and capture bipartisan congressional support for confirmation. This is no small order.

In Second Year of Trump Administration, the Perplexing State of Homeland Security

There is a long list of things in the homeland security arena that remain undone as the Trump Administration begins its second full year.